
Kathie’s Blog

Corporate Wellness | Holisitic Wellness | Burnout Coach

-Kathie Owen

Kathie’s Coaching and Consulting Blog Posts

Applied Faith | Virtue
Collaborate with Kathie, Mindset Kathie's Coaching and Consulting Collaborate with Kathie, Mindset Kathie's Coaching and Consulting

Applied Faith | Virtue

Napoleon Hill, the author of "Think and Grow Rich," believed that one of the keys to achieving success was the development of what he called "applied faith." According to Hill, applied faith is the combination of belief and action, where one not only believes in something but also takes action to make that belief a reality.In week 3 of a virtue-building program, we discuss applied faith and how to incorporate it into your life.

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How to Have a Productive Entrepreneur Mindset
Mindset, Collaborate with Kathie Kathie's Coaching and Consulting Mindset, Collaborate with Kathie Kathie's Coaching and Consulting

How to Have a Productive Entrepreneur Mindset

A productive entrepreneur mindset requires one that is focused on achieving goals, being efficient with time and resources, and continuously learning and improving. Today I am going to give you 8 clear steps on developing a productive entrepreneur mindset that can help you as a team member, coach, solopreneur, or just someone who wants to get more done in their day-to-day life.

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Accurate Thinking | Virtue Building
Mindset, Virtue Building Kathie's Coaching and Consulting Mindset, Virtue Building Kathie's Coaching and Consulting

Accurate Thinking | Virtue Building

Our virtue of the week is accurate thinking. But what is accurate thinking? Accurate Thinking is concerned with creating new agendas, new thoughts, and new visions. It is proactive rather than reactive. This week we build on this awesome virtue with quotes, scriptures, and more.

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The Flow State: Find Your Benefits Today
Mindset, Collaborate with Kathie Kathie's Coaching and Consulting Mindset, Collaborate with Kathie Kathie's Coaching and Consulting

The Flow State: Find Your Benefits Today

This article is all about flow state, also known as being in the zone, which is the mental state in which a person performing some activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity. The flow experience can be related to the comfort zone along with peak performance. A state of flow is focused on the present moment.

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Enthusiasm is a Contagious Virtue
Mindset, Truth Bubbles Up Kathie's Coaching and Consulting Mindset, Truth Bubbles Up Kathie's Coaching and Consulting

Enthusiasm is a Contagious Virtue

Enthusiasm is one of the best ways to start this plan! It is your mental vitamin!! Now before I lose you I want to say this. Enthusiasm is a choice. It is not forced. It is simply choosing to feel enthusiastic about something even when the world may not be going as you like. Because enthusiasm is contagious you will find it spilling over into other “not-so-great” moments in your day. Build off of this belief because it will serve you!

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New Year’s Resolutions that Create Real Change in 2023
Habits, Mindset, Fitness, Collaborate with Kathie Kathie's Coaching and Consulting Habits, Mindset, Fitness, Collaborate with Kathie Kathie's Coaching and Consulting

New Year’s Resolutions that Create Real Change in 2023

The best new year's resolutions are not resolutions at all. They are about change. They are ways to look at creating healthy habits. Common new year's resolutions are often not kept. Now is a good time to investigate this reason whether you are in the process of creating new year's resolutions for this year or if you have fallen off the wagon over the past year. There is no better time than the present to consider this.

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Controlling the Controllables
Collaborate with Kathie, Mindset, Fitness Kathie's Coaching and Consulting Collaborate with Kathie, Mindset, Fitness Kathie's Coaching and Consulting

Controlling the Controllables

“Controlling the Controllables” is a concept from Sports Psychology. This concept can be very beneficial to you as a coach, entrepreneur, and/or team member. When we separate and evaluate the things we can control it helps us to focus our attention and energy where we get the most bang for our buck. Instead of wasting our energy in places that leave us drained and ineffective.

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