Kathie’s Blog
Enthusiasm is a Contagious Virtue
Enthusiasm is one of the best ways to start this plan! It is your mental vitamin!! Now before I lose you I want to say this. Enthusiasm is a choice. It is not forced. It is simply choosing to feel enthusiastic about something even when the world may not be going as you like. Because enthusiasm is contagious you will find it spilling over into other “not-so-great” moments in your day. Build off of this belief because it will serve you!
The Power of a Smile
There is power in a smile. It can change your state of mind and even improve how others perceive you. In this article, video, and podcast episode we discuss smiling and even touch on C-PTSD and how to be kind to yourself.
The Power of a Smile
A smile sends signals to your brain that everything is A-OK. Science proves this! And today I tell you about a client who hired me to learn how to do push-ups so she could join the military and how I taught her the power of a smile. There truly is power in a smile!