The Bamboo Method: Empowered Boundaries with StephSpeaksLove
Mastering Boundaries with Love: How to Stand Firm Without Guilt
In a world where workplace stress, family dynamics, and personal relationships can feel overwhelming, boundaries are the unsung heroes of our well-being. In a recent episode of my podcast, I had the pleasure of speaking with Steph Speaks Love, a heart-centered coach specializing in self-worth, relationships, and—you guessed it—boundaries.
From corporate micromanagers to family members who overstep, boundaries shape our identity, protect our energy, and keep us grounded. But setting them doesn’t have to mean creating conflict. With the right mindset, we can establish firm yet flexible boundaries with love and respect.
Let’s dive into the wisdom Steph shared, covering what boundaries are, why they matter, and how to implement them effectively in both personal and professional life.
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What Are Boundaries?
Boundaries are the invisible lines that define what’s acceptable and what’s not in our interactions. They help us protect our time, energy, and well-being while shaping our sense of self.
In the episode we discuss the three main types of boundaries:
Enmeshed Boundaries (Too Soft): This is when boundaries are almost non-existent. You say yes to everything, over-give, and often feel like you’re at the mercy of others. You might lose your identity by constantly prioritizing other people’s needs over your own.
Rigid Boundaries (Too Hard): On the opposite end, rigid boundaries are so firm that they shut people out. Those with rigid boundaries may have trust issues, struggle to ask for help, and be overly independent to the point of isolation.
Balanced Boundaries (The Sweet Spot): These are what Steph calls Bamboo Boundaries—strong, yet flexible. Just like bamboo, these boundaries are deeply rooted, allowing us to bend when necessary without breaking. They help us make conscious decisions about when to compromise and when to stand firm, always in alignment with our values.
How to Set Boundaries Without Being Rude
One of the biggest fears people have about setting boundaries is that they’ll come across as rude or unkind. But, as Steph explained, boundaries are actually an act of self-love and self-respect. They protect our time, mental space, and emotional well-being. Here’s how to do it with grace:
Reframe Boundaries as Love & Protection
Boundaries aren’t about rejecting people; they’re about creating a healthier environment for yourself and others. Just like tough love, setting boundaries is an act of kindness—toward yourself and those around you.
Use Bamboo as a Mental Image
Bamboo is both strong and flexible. When we visualize our boundaries like bamboo, we remind ourselves that we can be firm without being brittle. We can bend without breaking. We can be resilient without being harsh.
Practice What You’ll Say
If you’re nervous about setting boundaries, practice first! Talk to yourself in the mirror, role-play with a friend, or even practice with a cushion. Rehearsing your words makes it easier to stay calm and assertive in real-life situations.
Ask Questions Instead of Making Accusations
When dealing with a difficult boss or colleague, avoid statements like “You can’t talk to me like that!” Instead, try, “I felt some tension in your response—was there something I said that didn’t align with your expectations?” This keeps the conversation open and constructive.
Boundaries in the Workplace
Many of my listeners have experienced toxic workplace dynamics, whether it's a micromanaging boss or a colleague who pushes their workload onto others. Steph highlighted key strategies for navigating workplace boundaries:
For Micromanaging Bosses: Instead of pushing back aggressively, ask for guidance in a way that shifts their focus. Say, “I have X, Y, and Z on my plate. How would you prioritize these? I want to make sure I’m aligning with your expectations.” This subtly redirects their control without outright resistance.
For Overbearing Coworkers: If a teammate constantly offloads their work onto you, try saying, “I’d love to help, but my plate is full this week. Can I assist you with something smaller instead?” This maintains collaboration while reinforcing your limits.
For Workplace Cliques & Oversharing: If you find yourself in an environment where gossip and personal oversharing are common, set boundaries around participation. Politely excuse yourself from conversations that feel unproductive or draining.
Boundaries in Personal Relationships
Beyond the workplace, boundaries play a vital role in friendships, dating, and family dynamics. Here are some real-life examples of where strong boundaries are essential:
With Overbearing Family Members: Whether it’s a mother-in-law who drops by unannounced or a family member who constantly criticizes, establish clear expectations. Say, “I love seeing you, but I need a heads-up before you visit so I can plan my schedule accordingly.”
With Friends Who Overshare or Drain Energy: Some friends may treat you like a personal therapist. You can be supportive without being their emotional dumping ground by saying, “I care about you, but I don’t have the emotional bandwidth to hold space for this conversation right now. Can we talk about something lighter?”
With Romantic Partners: If your partner frequently dismisses your needs, stand firm by communicating with clarity. “I need alone time to recharge. It doesn’t mean I don’t love you—it’s just something I need for my own well-being.”
How to Strengthen Your Boundary Muscles
Like any skill, setting boundaries takes practice. Here’s how you can strengthen your boundary-setting abilities over time:
Identify Your Values – What’s most important to you? Your time? Your mental well-being? Your career? Once you’re clear on your values, it’s easier to set boundaries around them.
Start Small – If setting boundaries feels intimidating, begin with low-stakes situations, like saying no to a social event you don’t want to attend.
Observe Who Respects Your Boundaries – Pay attention to how people react. Supportive people will respect your limits, while those who push back may have benefited from your lack of boundaries.
Give Yourself Grace – Nobody gets boundaries right 100% of the time. If you slip up, learn from it and try again.
Final Thoughts: Boundaries Are a Journey, Not a Destination
As Steph wisely pointed out, boundaries aren’t something you perfect overnight. They’re an ongoing practice. Whether it’s setting limits at work, with family, or in relationships, the key is self-awareness, practice, and compassion for yourself.
If you’re ready to take your boundary-setting skills to the next level, check out Steph’s free guide, Be Like Bamboo, available on her Instagram and LinkedIn at @StephSpeaksLove. And if this resonated with you, share it with someone who needs to hear it.
Remember, strong boundaries aren’t about keeping people out—they’re about keeping yourself whole. 🌿
#Boundaries #SelfWorth #WorkplaceWellness #HealthyRelationships #PersonalGrowth
About the Author, Kathie Owen
Kathie Owen, Corporate Wellness Coach and Consultant (Our Story)
Kathie Owen is a corporate wellness expert, speaker, and consultant. With over two decades of experience in fitness, holistic wellness, and employee engagement, she helps companies implement wellness programs that prevent burnout, boost productivity, and create thriving work environments. As the founder of Top Workplace Wellness, Kathie blends her expertise in corporate wellness, psychology, and personal development to deliver transformative solutions for organizations that value their people.
Passionate about empowering individuals and businesses, Kathie also coaches aspiring wellness professionals on how to build effective corporate wellness programs. Her work is rooted in science-backed strategies, personal experience, and a commitment to creating lasting change.
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Welcome back to my YouTube channel on my podcast. This is Kathie's coaching podcast. And today I have a special guest. It is Steph Speaks Love. It's my friend, Steph. She's from Essex. In the UK, and today we're going to talk about boundaries, boundaries in the workplace, boundaries at home, and Steph has a lot of great insight content on this and advice on this and coaching on this. So I want to give Steph a quick introduction, let her introduce herself to you and let's get right to it. Steph, please introduce yourself.
Hi, thanks Kathie lovely to see you again. My recent program all focus around boundaries because everything I do really, I suppose, has come back from a self worth and values, self worth and heart centered. Um, kind of incarnation that the key aspects of what I do goes back to that. So I've got a degree in psychology. I ended up doing, healing as well. So I've been kind of supporting unofficially ever since, I was a teenager, just like always a person. If you need something, phone Steph it really, I think like a lot of people. started to gather momentum during lockdown. So I started, um, holding space groups and having, um, morning sessions where people could come and meditate. And then from there, it just spiraled and I started offering one to one sessions, group sessions. And yes, so Everything from there from self love to relationships at work, family, dating, anything like that. So it's kind of like all heart, heart based and self worth.
Wow, I love that. And so if you, her name is Steph Speaks Love. So that just encompasses so many positive, helpful things that are very concrete that I really want to touch on. And we're going to talk about boundaries and you think about it, boundaries in the workplace is something that Sometimes we do really great at and sometimes not so great, but we want to reward ourselves on those great things. So Steph, let's start with talking about, like, what's a boundary? How can we establish that in the workplace without coming off as rude? And something tells me you're going to be the best person to ask this question to because if Steph speaks love, she's going to tell us how to set a boundary with love.
Absolutely. So, I think as well with the name. A lot of people might just sort of assume love and anything love and loving is all very fluffy and you know, there's never any pushback, but actually love, you know, we've heard of tough love. Love is actually protecting yourself and those around you and being responsible. So actually we might have to have a serious conversation. Or speak a truth that might make somebody uncomfortable, but it can still come from a place of love and with an energy of love and how the other person receives it. As long as you're doing your best with delivering it, you know, you can't do any more than that. So yes, love is very powerful and not just fluffy. So when it comes to boundaries, um, things are like the invisible lines that we have around ourselves. And they help protect us, they help ground us, and they also shape our identity. With the boundaries, we've got three main types. So you can have enmeshed, which is at one end, where they're too loose, too soft, and you're kind of very much at the whims of everyone else. You definitely can lose your own sense of identity. And this does even happen in the workplace and friendships. This isn't just with romantic relationships, um, which I used to believe, you know, that enmeshment could just be like within the family, a parent, a lover, but this goes on everywhere in every dynamic. It can be the over giving, constantly compromising, over sharing. Um, and at the other end, you can have your rigid boundaries. We're quite closed off, not very trusting. So if you're meshed as well, you can be incredibly trusting or just have it not even be cross your mind, whether you should or shouldn't trust someone, just always going with it, but with the rigid boundaries, um, that again, this comes from deep self preservation, a lot of trust issues as well with rigid boundaries. You could be somebody who's typically hyper independent doesn't like to ask for help or can't ask for help. Maybe even dominant always want to take charge or micromanage and then we have in the center balanced boundaries, which I like to call bamboo boundaries. And so these, you know, you may. I've heard of like healthy boundaries, anything in that area, healthy, balanced, bamboo. This is where you've got a really firm, solid idea of who you are. You know who you are and what's right and what doesn't. And you can also feel your intuition, like you're connected to yourself. So you've got your gut feelings. You can hear and feel what's right and what's wrong within yourself, which again connects back to your values. Um, so that's a really key piece that maybe we can touch on at some point, but how your values, if you don't even stop to know what is important to you, then you know, your sense of self is lost. And again, it makes it very difficult to move confidently in the world or without being exploited, which sounds like a dramatic word, but it does happen. So when you've got your balanced boundaries and you know who you are, balanced boundaries are flexible. So you might be able or choose to consciously compromise. Or go, do you know what I'm actually going to do that might not be ideal, but I can do that, but it's a conscious decision. You're not just at the whims of somebody else's demands. So there bamboo as well has very deep roots. And with that, so we're very grounded and we can bend a little without snapping. Whenever we choose to compromise or do something that might not be ideal. It's. Never going to feel like we're going against what we believe is right for us or the greater good. So that is kind of where the basics, the foundation of boundaries are. Wow.
Wow. You just got my head spinning and turning. And I just, I think of certain situations that I see happen in corporate where this can really come in helpful. So you have a leader. Who is in the far range there. They're too rigid. They're too strict. And then you have the one who doesn't have any boundaries, but from what I'm hearing from you, it would be better to be centered and practice learning the rigid needs to learn to be centered. And the, the other one who has no boundaries. needs to learn to be this centered. And I heard you mention bamboo and I really want to like get that analogy clear in our minds. Um, I may even put some pictures or things of some b roll of bamboo of actually if you start to study bamboo and I want Steph to kind of explain to us how that picturing that bamboo can help us build those centered boundaries, especially when we have a leader over here who's treating us really bad and we're like, we don't know how to handle that, but we can handle that with boundaries and we can protect ourselves like you said at the very beginning with self love and it's a protection thing so let's talk about that bamboo i've just you've really sparked my interest on that
okay with bamboo It is beautiful. Well, I hope most people think that it's beautiful and protective and boundaries should be there to help create an environment and self, you know, which is very nourishing, nurturing, protective. And when all your boundaries are together, they can create that kind of canopy that lots of bamboo creates. Shelter grounding and they're flexible and they're strong. And the main thing is bamboo is incredibly durable. So you could look at bamboo and think, Oh, it just looks like these, you know, lovely branches or stems, but actually they're super strong, super flexible. So you can always come back to yourself. So when you have healthy and balanced boundaries, you have a resilience. So that you have the confidence and resilience to maybe stand up to a boss. Um, sometimes we need to do it in the moment. Bamboo can be reactive or it can be proactive or, you know, so you sometimes you may want to pause and go, actually, I may need to impose. Because sometimes it might feel a little bit more confrontational. When you're implementing a boundary, you might need to think, do you know what? I'm going to have to come away, let the situation calm down and do it later, but not to the point where you then chicken out and go actually I'm just going to let it go and then days and days go by. And then there are other times though when it's actually no I need to do this now. I think, possibly most of us have been in situations where, say you're in a meeting. And you may feel that the boss or somebody more senior or whoever is running that meeting may speak to you in a way which may feel disrespectful, embarrassing, and you might just want to sink in your chair and waltz away and, and there are ways, you know, to push back on that. Now, part of the guide that I've written on boundaries has a section on, especially if you know you're dealing with a boss. You might want to do it in a slightly more creative or clever way and, and asking a question rather than going, you can't speak to me like that. You think you are. And then it escalated in a room and everyone's been getting the popcorn out. What we can do is ask a question, you know, like, Oh, you know, was there something that I said, you know, was really unaligned with where you're going, or I'm just wondering, you know, it felt like there was some pushback there, you know, like, because. I, I felt a little bit of, you know, um, uncomfortability just when, when you said that there to me, bring it back to feelings or ask a question, why, you know, why did you respond that way? Is everything okay? Sometimes, you know, you have to, again, this is when the more you practice, so you have to always be kind with yourself when you're practicing and that it is, you know, just about learning and you will get better at it. But yes, sometimes I do feel that if you've always been that person who's been very timid. Very soft with your boundaries. Don't like to stand up for yourself. Then typically there does tend to be a pattern where you might be that person. If you're not a yes person and you're timid, then you may get trampled on a lot. Unfortunately, yes, people, believe it or not, don't often get those, um, over. reactions from um, senior people because they're quite needed. So they're okay. Um, but if you do find you're one of those people who've got a few incidents where it's like, oh my gosh, it's happened again. I've lost my voice. I haven't been able to speak up for myself. Definitely. I love what you said, like lean into it while you're learning. For someone like me, who used to be, Very giving, very over giving. I ended up going way, I literally did end up coming too rigid in my boundaries and pushing people away as a result and people going, what are you doing? You know, and then it's fine tuning and balancing and bringing it back. Um, if you have a situation with a boss and it's not in a group setting, um, but you just find the dynamic is really off, you'll be micromanaged, you can't breathe, then have a think. Am I going to be able to handle that conversation verbally in a one to one? Am I going to have a direct conversation? Or am I going to do it indirectly by saying, Oh, actually, um, I have this, this and this on. With your experience, you know, maybe try and flatter them with it, like, What do you think? I, I just would like to know how you would manage this because, you know, I'm really conscious that, you know, obviously this is super important. And I really want to give this the best I can. How would you prioritize these? So there's different ways of doing that. But if you're being micromanaged and it's to the point where it's not just you feeling overloaded, do you want to do it in an email? Do you want to do it verbally? Where are your comfort levels? Do you feel like you might crumble or crack? And the other thing is. Practice having these conversations in the mirror to a cushion. It might sound ridiculous when you say aloud and you prepare yourself for whatever response, prepare yourself for a good response, prepare yourself for being fobbed off, you know, prepare yourself. How are you going to respond or react? So there is a lot when it's, um, a direct boundary where you want to challenge something, practice. and self, you know, um, rehearsing really well, will do it.
Yes, for sure. So I like how she said, always be kind to yourself, be fine tuning and practicing. We talked about this a couple of episodes ago about practicing, practicing, practicing. It's, it's just part of life. You're going to slowly but surely get better at things and practice. And I also like how she said to flatter them, because once you flatter them, Especially the, the rigid micromanager, they're going to feel, Oh, okay. I feel seen because that's what they want. You don't want to flatter them over extremely, but here's where that flattery can come in. So she mentioned the balance where you're. You're trying to understand where it's going. You want to be kind to yourself and you want to get in touch with your intuition. So your intuition will guide you as to whether you do even need to flatter them. Even your intuition, once you start really listening to it, it'll guide you on, do you need to send an email? Do you need to send this? And then let's say you decide to send an email and it. backfires on you, something doesn't go the way you want, just chalk it up to practice, you understand. And some of my listeners have been working for the same boss for a long time, and this boss has been mean to them, being to them, so they understand. What the next move is going to be. I like how she said to practice sounding it out loud because you already know if you've been working for the same boss for a long time and you already know their patterns, you already know how to sound it out and you can practice that at home like she said, talking to the cushion. But let's, uh, practice talking to the cushion, practice talking in the mirror, practice talking while you're driving your car, if you're all by yourself. And, that's all part of practice and really and truly, that's what we're always doing is practicing. So Steph, you mentioned a guide that you have, how can we get that and what does that guide kind of teach us? Oh my gosh. So
the guide, um, will cover professional boundaries, dating boundaries, post relationships, neurodivergent considerations. Um, and you can get that just by either Instagram at Steph Speaks Love. I'm on LinkedIn, same there, Steph Speaks Love. I'm on the other platforms as well, but I mainly use Instagram and LinkedIn. And. With that, you know, we've got the art of saying no, the art of asking, um, and just a guide of like what to expect, you know, when you go on this journey of trying to fine tune your boundaries and become bamboo, like, you know, it'll let you know what's in store a little bit, including things like you may. lose certain friendships. I know that might be at the extreme end, but it does happen. You may experience a little bit of pushback. You'll find out those who are really supportive. Like when you start implementing a boundary, you'll know those who didn't mean to do it intentionally or who, um, You know, people who want to take advantage because they'll be apologetic and they'll be like, Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize, you know, you'll get those people who will absolutely be like, gosh, it'd be the worst. They would hate to think they were doing that. You'll get other people who'd get so offended. They're typically the ones who needed them the most. Um, you know, but it'll talk you all through that in the guide. Um, there was something I just wanted to touch on and that you mentioned. When talking about workplace, it isn't just with bosses in the workplace. Um, unfortunately the, and it's been a few years since I've been in the corporate or public sector. So I used to, you know, did many years work in there, especially as a personal assistant, and when I joined when I started that part of my career, which was many years ago, about 25 years ago, things were definitely more toxic then. So yes, it still exists, but I am thankful that the environment is way less toxic now. Um, typically the boss dynamic is the least of the worries. Sometimes it's just with your coworkers and if you get somebody who wants to push their look, you know, X, Y, and Z. So, and it can be more daunting with maybe a popular teammate or something like that. Um, oversharing in the workplace, not knowing the boundary around letting your personal life spill over into the work environment, you know, not just with somebody who you're close with. All of these things can be very disruptive to your own day, performance, productivity, and that of your team. And I don't know if you wanted me to touch on any other points before we move on, or is it okay, you know, going through this?
Yes, go ahead this is very, helpful, especially like with, other teammates. So maybe touch more on that as well and just boundaries in general. And if you want to bring up family boundaries too, we can talk about that. We have probably about 10 more minutes to go. So go ahead. Okay.
So yes, um, I'm just going to throw some things out there really quick just in case they land with somebody who's listening and then they can go and find. The resource, Be Like Bamboo, is free to download. Um, so yes, oversharing in the workplace, um, groups who are too clicky in the workplace, all of this can have a negative impact on performance, and the oversharing thing especially. I do have ADHD, didn't realize until about nine years ago. Many of the challenges for me were the emotional side of things, the not being able to regulate. So if I became flustered at work, everybody knew, and that would kind of dominate, especially if you're in a small team. So that would dominate. But again, so self boundaries is another one. I now have self boundaries and that's another big thing. They're the promises that we keep to ourself. How am I going to show up for myself today? And how can I trust myself? So these are all different areas. where, you know, you put a line in place for yourself or for somebody else and we honor it. And with families as well, um, boundaries with families are super great, especially if your family members are all open, um, or you're all on your own journey of healing, or you're aware that some of the dynamics, you know, need improving. If you're all on that page or pretty chill, then, you know, Implementing things that may have felt normal for so many years. And it's not until you become an adult or start interacting in, in the workplace, you're like, I can't believe this has been going on. So then, you know, you can start to create that distance because a measurement and a mesh boundaries with family members, and I'm starting more so with females and mother and daughter or sisters, things like that. there, you know, creating that space and finding your own identity again, and actually saying, Oh, I don't like that. Or I would prefer it if you didn't do that. Or, you know, especially if somebody's gate crashing your home all the time, or, you know, you have a mother in law who's always passing comment or always trying to be helpful, keeps dropping things off to your house that you don't need. And you have to then spend time, your time. Clearing it away or you then have to repurpose or give it so there's lots of areas. It's jam packed the guide Um, so yes, head to Steph speaks love on Instagram or LinkedIn, and you'll be able to find a link to download it.
Okay, great. Okay, so I, I think it's important to mention here that I include a blog post on every video I do. It will be in the links in the description or the show notes if you're listening to the podcast. And inside that blog post, I include. the transcript for today's video. I also have bonus resources, like where to find Steph, and also, where you can start working with her, get these resources, because I can tell you right now, I can already think of a couple of people who are just, that I've been coaching and working with, that really could use these resources, and myself included, because Honestly, boundaries are something that you're always working on. It's kind of like, it's just a journey. It's not a destination. You don't just get here. Go. I got all my boundaries all drawn out. No, we're always working on it. It's more like just practice, practice, practice, practice, practice. And I talk about that a lot on my channel about practicing the skills that you learn. And I invite you to go at the very least follow her on Instagram because she's got a ton of great. Things that she puts on her Instagram. That's how I found her. I now follow her on LinkedIn as well. And that's how we connected. So, Steph, is there anything else you want to share with us before we go?
Yes, absolutely. Um, there's a couple of main points. So with boundaries as well, apart from reclaiming your identity, you know, knowing your values and knowing that it's okay that they can change over time because we're not rigid, we evolve, we grow. So our boundaries will need to do that with us. And the thing is, It is the biggest indicator of self love and self worth. So if you're not doing it for yourself, you cannot just expect others to know and do for you and show you that love and respect back and show you your worth back if you're not knowing it yourself and about your boundaries will also help you get towards any goals that you have. So it's not just your own, you know, inner development and, you know, protecting yourself. It's like, how can I show up in the world? How can I grow? And your dreams, you know, once you've got your boundaries in place and there's less chaos going on around you and you're less at the mercy of the whims of others, you start having more perspective and clarity on where you want to go and how you're going to get there. So it's great at protecting time, um, preventing burnout. Once your boundaries are in place, you're going to be exhausted less. You're going to reclaim more time. So it really is like. Boundaries and self worth are just, I feel, a deep foundation, as well as food, because I'm big on diet. I'm not a dietitian, I'm not a nutritionist, but I know that sleep, food, and boundaries are like, what keep me able to get the best out of everything. Yes, I just think we do need to be working on them, and they're definitely something that, that grow and change. Yes.
Oh, okay. This is a perfect ending to this episode because this is going to leave us curious for more. And here's what I'm talking about. I'm going to have Steph back on the podcast again in the near future, because this has just been full of gold nuggets that I know my audience is going to love. Let me give you a little, uh, sneak peek of what we might talk about next time. And we talk about this on my channel too. As, as Steph said, boundaries, food and sleep. Those three things are her main components and the boundaries are the foundations. As she said, so the roots of that bamboo go really, really deep on the next episode that we talk about, we're going to talk about those roots and the and how they can keep you firm in your way and, and keep you in that balance because the roots, if you think about it, if they go really deep, your tree is not just going to blow over the next storm that comes through. So that's what we're going to talk about next time, if I can get Steph to come back with and visit with us. So before we go, I will let Steph tell you goodbye and tell you where you can, she's already told us where you can find her, but please tell us again, just in case somebody missed it.
Okay, so Instagram at Steph Speaks Love, LinkedIn at Steph Speaks Love. I am on YouTube, but I haven't really, um, posted there yet, but I have got a couple of shows ready. So actually, yes, follow me on YouTube because I will be uploading on there very soon.
Okay, good, good deal. So
Thank you so much for having me. It's been a real pleasure.
Thank you. Thank you. And let me tell you something Steph I can guarantee you that you've helped somebody like puts little pieces of their puzzle together. And that is just lights me up like a firecracker because I love being able to do that to help others. If I help just one person, and I know you probably feel the same way. I'm blessed. I am so blessed and I'm so happy to think
it makes me like so ecstatic. I'm like, Oh my gosh, really? So yes, it's made a difference.
Me too. I'm very grateful to have you today. And we look forward to working with you again soon. And again, links will be in the show notes and description below. That's the episode for today. I trust that you found it helpful. And if you know somebody who can benefit from this, please share it with them. And until next time, I will see you next time. Peace out and namaste.
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