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The Power of Clifton Strengths Assessments: How to Go Beyond Hiring

If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve heard about Clifton Strengths assessments, or perhaps your company uses them in its hiring process.

First, let’s give a quick high five to those businesses utilizing this powerful tool! 🎉 Clifton Strengths has revolutionized how we understand leadership, team dynamics, and individual contributions in the workplace.

But here's a question to ponder: Once you assess your team’s strengths, what’s next?

In my experience consulting with various companies, I’ve noticed an all-too-common pattern. Many businesses start strong (pun intended 😉) with the Clifton Strengths assessments, using them as a solid foundation for hiring.

They gain insight into their employees' unique talents and how they might contribute to team success. But after that? Crickets. The follow-up often falls flat, and the valuable insights get tucked away in a file, never to be revisited.

This is where the power of Clifton Strengths can either fall short or truly transform a company culture.

Let’s dig into why these assessments are so much more than a "once-and-done" tool and how they can become a consistent resource for leadership development, communication, and ongoing team success.

What Are Clifton Strengths Assessments?

Before we dive deeper, let’s cover the basics. Clifton Strengths assessments, developed by Gallup, are designed to uncover a person’s natural talents—those things they inherently do well. Unlike many other personality tests that focus on weaknesses, Clifton Strengths zeroes in on what you naturally excel at. The assessment identifies 34 potential strengths (called "themes"), which fall under four main categories: Executing, Influencing, Relationship Building, and Strategic Thinking.

The idea is simple but powerful: When people operate in alignment with their strengths, they are more engaged, productive, and satisfied. Sounds like a win-win, right? And for companies, understanding an employee’s top strengths helps leaders to best utilize their talents, develop growth opportunities, and build highly effective teams.

The Missing Piece: Consistency in Leadership Development

Many businesses use the Clifton Strengths assessment as a one-time exercise, primarily during the hiring process. However, in my corporate wellness coaching, I emphasize that assessments like these should be part of a consistent practice—not just a "check it off the list" kind of thing.

Why? Because employees are constantly evolving, as are their roles and responsibilities. You can't just take a snapshot of someone's strengths once and assume that is the full picture forever. As people grow, gain new experiences, and face different challenges, their strengths can develop and shift. And this is where I see companies missing out on an opportunity.

Strengths-Based Leadership Requires Regular Reflection

When was the last time your team sat down to discuss their Clifton Strengths profiles? Or used the assessment as a framework for a development conversation? The reality is, leadership training and communication need to be an ongoing process. The strength themes identified in the assessment serve as a roadmap for continuous development.

Here’s how consistent reflection and dialogue around Clifton Strengths can positively impact your organization:

  1. Leadership Development: Strengths assessments reveal not only what employees do best but also their leadership potential. By revisiting the strengths profiles regularly, leaders can receive ongoing training to develop their innate abilities and better lead their teams.

  2. Enhanced Communication: Understanding each team member’s strengths can significantly improve communication. If you know that one of your employees has "Harmony" as a top strength, you'll understand that they prefer consensus and dislike conflict. This awareness helps tailor your communication style to ensure it aligns with the person's natural tendencies.

  3. Team Dynamics and Collaboration: Teams that understand each other's strengths operate more effectively. Regular conversations around Clifton Strengths can open up discussions about how to best leverage each person's talents, where gaps may exist, and how to align team roles for maximum productivity and satisfaction.

  4. Employee Engagement and Well-Being: Employees feel valued when their strengths are recognized and developed. This not only leads to greater engagement but also fosters well-being. A happy, strengths-aligned employee is far more likely to feel fulfilled and motivated than one whose talents are overlooked.

How to Make Clifton Strengths Part of Your Culture

So how do you ensure that the Clifton Strengths assessment becomes a living, breathing part of your workplace culture rather than a one-off event? Here are some strategies:

  1. Schedule Regular Check-Ins: Make strengths discussions a part of your regular performance check-ins, leadership meetings, or team gatherings. These can be brief conversations, but they are essential for keeping the strengths top of mind. You could even designate a "Strengths Spotlight" segment in team meetings, where a different strength is highlighted each week.

  2. Create Strengths-Based Development Plans: When setting goals or creating development plans for team members, incorporate their Clifton Strengths profiles. How can they leverage their top strengths to meet their goals? Are there new roles or projects that align with their natural abilities?

  3. Encourage Strengths Pairing and Partnering: One of the most powerful ways to apply Clifton Strengths is by pairing people whose strengths complement each other. For example, if one team member has "Strategic" as a strength and another has "Activator," they could partner up on projects that require both planning and execution.

  4. Leadership Training on Strengths-Based Management: Train your leaders on how to manage from a strengths-based perspective. Leaders should not only understand their own strengths but also how to recognize and nurture the strengths of others. A strengths-based approach to leadership development is a great way to increase productivity and engagement within teams.

  5. Keep the Conversation Alive: Whether it's a casual mention during a meeting, a dedicated "Strengths Day," or even a fun contest around using strengths in innovative ways, the goal is to make strengths a regular part of the company vernacular. This ongoing conversation reinforces the idea that strengths are not static—they grow and evolve, just like your team members.

The Ripple Effect on Wellness and Engagement

Let’s not forget that Clifton Strengths are an essential tool in fostering not only leadership and communication but also wellness. When employees are aligned with their strengths, they are more likely to experience job satisfaction, reduced stress, and overall well-being—all crucial elements of a healthy workplace.

My corporate wellness programs are built around this very concept. Employee engagement doesn’t just happen; it’s nurtured through mindful leadership, consistent communication, and recognizing individuals for their unique contributions. By integrating strengths-based practices into the regular rhythm of your company, you create a culture of growth and wellness that goes far beyond the initial assessment.

The Bottom Line: Don't Let Strengths Gather Dust

While the Clifton Strengths assessment is an incredible tool, it’s just the beginning of the journey. The true value comes from consistently applying its insights in leadership development, communication, and team building. I encourage you to go back, pull out those strengths profiles, and re-engage with them. Use this tool not just to understand your team better but to help them thrive.

Strengths assessments can be your secret weapon in creating a top workplace, one where leaders inspire, teams collaborate effectively, and each individual feels valued and engaged. So, dust off those Clifton Strengths results, and let’s start creating a strengths-based culture that truly stands out.

Your Turn! What has your experience been with Clifton Strengths assessments? Have you seen them transform your workplace, or do they sit untouched after the hiring process? Share your thoughts and stories—I’d love to hear from you!

About the Author: Kathie Owen is a seasoned Corporate Wellness Professional with over a decade of experience driving wellness initiatives.

With a rich background as a certified fitness trainer and life coach since 2002, Kathie combines her practical expertise in health and wellness with a deep understanding of psychological principles, thanks to her degree in Psychology.

Her holistic approach to corporate wellness not only fosters a culture of health and engagement among employees but also supports organizations in achieving their most ambitious wellness goals.

Kathie's Coaching and Consulting reflects her passion for empowering corporate executives to create thriving workplace environments through strategic wellness programs and employee engagement.

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Kathie Owen, Corporate Wellness Professional since 2012 (Our Story)

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Incorporate Clifton Strengths Into Your Culture