Kathie’s Blog
I am on a mission to end toxic workplace culture with holistic corporate wellness programs.
-Kathie Owen
Pendulums and Advantage
In Reality Transurfing we learn about pendulums which are a thought structure that everyone thinks and only wants your energy. We also discuss finding advantage in everything.
Is Vadim Lost in Propaganda?
Vadim Zeland author of Reality Transurfing keeps posting about fear and propaganda. Why is he doing this? Is he knowingly playing with a destructive pendulum? This is a mind screw for sure!
End Victim Mentality Like This
We discuss Shary Davis's theory of psychology and the never-ending victim-victimizer cycle. UNLESS of course you answer that cycle with LOVE.
TW Davis YMCA is Closed Permanently
Closed to fitness that is! They fired all staff VIA EMAIL (included in post) and said they were going to become an Appreciative Community Building Process in April of 2021. 7 months later they are still doing nothing at the site. It is EMPTY on most days!
Why I Don’t Recommend Amy Porterfield Anymore!
Here is an honest opinion on DCA with Amy Porterfield. Not affiliated and I apologize if I recommended DCA to you. Here are the reasons why I retract that statement and what to do instead. It'll save you a ton of money.
10 Tips to Beat Insomnia
We all fall victim to insomnia from time to time. Wouldn't you like a way around that? Here are 10 tips to help you have a more high-quality deep sleep in no time!
Reality Transurfing® What Now?
Let's discuss what is going on in the Reality Transurfing® world. Let's just say it's more fear-based and bullying. Are they only using the book to help themselves and hurt others?