Why I Don’t Recommend Amy Porterfield Anymore!

Article Summary

Kathie took Digital Course Academy in March of 2021. She speaks of her experience with Amy Porterfield and her ‘online marketing made sl-easy’.

Kathie wrote this post to redeem herself after recommending Digital Course Academy to her friends and colleagues. Because once Kathie was in DCA she realized how greedy and inauthentic Amy really was. Sadly, Kathie admits.

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I like to start with the good (if there were any) and then move to the bad, and then the really bad!

“Stick with me here, if you are multi-tasking come back to me.” -Amy Porterfield 🙄 Please, Amy don’t say this again!

What was GREAT about Digital Course Academy?

  • It is very thorough - but will leave you wanting AND needing much more….(part of her scammy marketing technique)

  • Amy Porterfield does know her stuff when it comes to selling like a ‘super sweet sounding bro marketer’!

  • The Accountability Pod that she never mentioned in my webinars was the best thing about her course. I have made awesome friends who help me in my business and personal life. This is the ONE thing I loved about the course. However, some later let me down big time because they were Amy’s favorite customers “online coaching junkies” (read our story here)

  • You will learn exactly how to put a course together, launch it, and sell it - AND you need a captive audience for a 45-minute webinar. She does teach you how to do this in her EXTRA COST slide-by-slide presentation. Which BTW is another $297 on top of the $2,000 you already paid for the 9-week course! 🤮Get ready to bro-market to your clients!!

  • Updated note 2023: she still teaches the same method she did in 2021 and this is so outdated. Watch out for her affiliates too like Kajabi, Gravy, and anything else she promotes as there is $$ going into her pocket and it is 9 times out of 10 an expensive tool that is for the BIG bro-marketers.

BUT…..I can tell you I don't want to sell like Amy Porterfield.

Is she a <fake> phenomenal success? Yes absolutely. If you look at her pocketbook and forced BS.

But does she sacrifice all of that in the name of greed? - ALSO AB-so-freaking-lutely!!!

Do you have questions? I may have answers! I love hearing from y’all!! Feel free to drop me an email here!

  1. How it all started….

It all started while in the course. The part where Amy teaches webinars "slide-by-slide.” Well, Amy mentions a link to her webinar slide templates. Click on that link and you will see a $300🏷️ !!!

WTF? I thought everything was given in the course. Yeah, NOT!! It costs extra!!

And I understand selling more things on top of what you purchased. (But be transparent.) AND for $2,000 that simple slide presentation SHOULD be included. I let it slide (pun intended) - the first time!!!

A little side note: ⏩⏩⏩ You can learn Amy’s slide-by-slide presentation by reading Expert Secrets by Russell Brunson. That is where she got most of the method anyway! 😉

Still relevant in 2025, I’m just saying!

2. Then the course abruptly ends! 😮

If this is your first go-round at creating courses or if life crept in - there is no way you are ready to launch after 9 weeks - not the way she teaches it anyway!

**Remember this because it comes back up in a minute! Seriously, remember this!

So the course ends but Amy has another way to work with her. A membership that costs $97 a month. Is it worth it? Maybe. But her selling appears very greedy and slimy.

I just spent over $2,000 with her, you couldn't help a girl out? Hell, I was still paying for the course. There was no way I was about to invest another $100 per month on top of what I was paying. Again, where’s the transparency in your so-called “easy marketing”?

If you didn't sign up right then - you lost out - until her next launch ends another 6 months later! More scammy, marketing as Amy plays on FOMO.

3. Enter strike 3 for Amy Porterfield! ⚾⚾⚾


So Amy launched her course again in September 2021. I enrolled in March 2021. When Amy launched in September she offered us previous "losers" another chance to enter her course in the Facebook Group and everything.

And I use the term “losers” loosely. Remember, I am included in that group!

But this chance would cost another $300 something!! WTF? WTF?

At this point I am livid! I am sick of her marketing techniques - which I refuse to practice. Online marketing made sleazy!!

And she's my business coach?? Yeah, No! BTW we supposedly have what is called "lifetime" access to the course.🤢 Read the May 2022 updated blog post here.

**Remember here

I always wondered how some of the members of the group were already launching their course and talking about it in the group.

Now I know why!! They re-joined (at a price of $300) and were already ahead of the game. There are thousands of people in this Facebook Group. Thousands!! Do the math! 🙄🤮

I get this but be transparent! It makes those who are “behind” feel overwhelmed and like crap! I seriously wondered how some of the students were 4 weeks ahead on week 1!

By the way

Out of all the connections I made in the group which was a lot I ONLY saw one other actually launch by the summer. I launched In October - 6 months after enrolling in Digital Course Academy. And it was a typical first launch. It wasn’t pretty.

But let me mention there was no support from my “sweet friend” Amy either. She was onto another launch to another group of “losers.”

I say “sweet friend” because Amy uses this in her email marketing. Part of her FAKE ploy is to sound sweet and kind. I am on her email list to study her marketing. She does know that I am not her “sweet friend” right?! 🤣

Read this story here about her favorite customers “online coaching junkies” who never really complete the course.

Update July 2022

Over one year later it is still the same. Most have moved on to something else. I am in a group where they re-launched the course and even they struggle. Why? IMO launching as Amy teaches is an outdated, unethical, and inauthentic technique.

NOTE: 45-minute to 90-minute webinars are how Amy Porterfield tells us to sell.

In today's world, you cannot keep the attention on a 45-90 minute webinar ---- not for my {wellness} prospects anyway. Nor do I want to even do that. That is a long time commitment.

I love those whom I help. I care about them and want them to win. I would never want one of my ‘students’ (as Amy calls us) to feel left behind because they purchased a course from me and still have to buy more!!

And if this article was not enough to scare you away from Amy or realize the real truth I have more evidence right here!

Please watch for the scary, sad truth on ALL of these marketers including Rachel Hollis, Marie Forleo, James Wedmore, and many more ‘famous’ unethical marketers.

In fact, if someone is affiliated with Amy I cringe and it takes forever to gain my trust. I will say that Jasmine Star of Social Curator happens to be one of those I trust. Why? Because I have been with Social Curator for a long time. In fact, I use Social Curator daily. And it will take me YEARS of paying for the service to compare to what I have spent with Amy Porterfield!!! Let that sink in!!!

Jasmine and Amy are best friends too. But I will say when Jasmine talks about Amy I cringe!!! 🤮



I totally understand marketing (my mentor Joseph Rodrigues studied under Jay Abraham). In fact, consultative selling is a much more authentic way to market your business.

As for Amy, there is a thing called segmenting. Amy could have sold to those who paid in full!! Or at the very least give us a compassionate offer to opt out. She does but it is hidden in her sugar-coated marketing.

Amy did not qualify her buyers. She sells to our pain points and digs that knife in deep!! (Watch her marketing!)

Sometimes I listen to some of her podcast episodes but usually have to turn away as I see her methods at work.

If I mentioned to you to buy Digital Course Academy I apologize and I have since retracted that statement. Instead, I will re-direct you to this blog post so you can decide on your own with an understanding of her marketing techniques. 

Know what you are getting into!!! I wish I did!

And all the teachers out there who are doing “reviews” on social media or on YouTube are affiliate marketers for Digital Course Academy.

That means they make money if you buy. So of course they are biased! Unethical too? I think so. Hmm, do you see a pattern here?

You can learn the same process by reading Russell Brunson's book Expert Secrets. These tools are still effective in 2025.

Read all of Russell's books for that matter. Although Russell ranks right up there with Amy in the online bro-marketing made easy scam too. But I do like his methods, and Joseph (my mentor) has mentioned him too.

Honestly, this is where she came up with her webinar slide-by-slide topic anyway. Russell Brunson explains it better than Amy Porterfield.

Side note I have heard from YOU that she steals processes and markets it as hers. BTW, she can do this. She is selling her course to thousands of you every year. At $2,000 per person do the math!! She can pay her way out of this!!

In closing,  Digital Course Academy is NOT worth the money.

The accountability pod is the best thing to come out of the course and she doesn't even mention this in her long-ass webinars! 

I’m going to let you in on a little secret that you probably already know, but let me remind you. You can learn everything you need to know by listening to Amy’s podcast (if you still like her), watching YouTube Videos, and simply googling ideas. FOR FREE!!!

Or starting in 2023 and now 2025 working with AI!!

This blog post is very popular!

I am not sure why but hope that you found it helpful. I like to spread the word and keep slimy, unethical marketing out of my world as much as possible!

Remember this market is unregulated. Be sure you align with the “teacher” you are following and understand their true marketing colors before you buy.

If you know someone who can benefit from this article feel free to share it with them using the simple share buttons to the side.

And if you have any questions or comments feel free to email me here!

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Kathie Owen, Corporate Wellness Coach and Consultant

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