Set Clear Goals and Reach Them in 2024
Article Summary
In today’s article, Kathie explains the importance of a definite chief aim. And how everything you do in life relates to that one goal. When you are sure of your definite chief aim, everything else falls in place.
Often we wander without a definite chief aim. When this happens doubt, fear, and indecision creep in and we feel lost. Easily remedy this by reading this article.
You will find a definite chief aim template download here. Scroll down for 7 ideas for inner goal examples.
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What is your definite chief aim?
A definite chief aim is a specific, clearly-defined statement of purpose. A single goal statement. It has the power to guide your subconscious mind. It transforms your attitude from pessimism into positive expectation.
When setting goals both inner goals and outer goals we must define our definite chief aim first and foremost. I like to call it a single goal statement.
What if you start thinking that every single thing that happens in your life contributes to that single goal statement. Even washing the dishes! It really is the best way!!
It is typical human behavior to set vague goals. Look at how many new year resolutions you have set yet they never come to pass.
How to write a definite chief aim
Let's learn how to write that definite chief aim or main inner goal statement, according to the king himself Napoleon Hill.
I earn XXXXX which will show up in various amounts from time to time during the interim...
In return for this money, I will give the most efficient service of which I am capable, rendering the fullest possible quantity, and the best possible quality of service in the capacity of an entrepreneur… ( describe the service or merchandise you intend to offer).
I believe that I will have this money in my possession. My faith is so strong that I can now see this money before my eyes. I can touch it with my hands. It is now awaiting transfer to me at the time and in the proportion that I deliver the service, I intend to render in return for it.
I am awaiting a plan by which to accumulate this money, and I will follow that plan when it is received.
Write this down and keep it handy for daily reference. The important thing to note here is to look at this main goal often!! You know, so you can feel your goals (Click Here to read that blog post)
I did this very thing in my Notion page called Dream Big. Guess what, I am constantly having to update this content because it keeps getting bigger and bigger. Notion gives me easier access to this dream, especially when the outer world may be showing me something different.
Okay Kathie you say that my main inner goal contributes to all of my inner goals. What do you mean by this? Trust me, this is even contributing to your mental health, you will find your true self and definitely know you are headed in the right direction even when things seem to be falling apart.
The first step comes from the book The Science of Getting Rich. Let's reflect on some of his discussions.
Opportunities will come
As you go on in the Certain Way, opportunities will come to you in increasing number; and you will need to be very steady in your faith and purpose, and to keep in close touch with the All Mind by reverent gratitude.
-Wallace Wattles
Faith and purpose are the keywords here. We are a product of what we have been thinking in the past. So if things are a little crooked right now we must have faith and purpose to keep us on the right path. How does one do that?
When I first set out on my journey of setting this definite chief aim, my purpose was off. I kept thinking that I needed to join a coaching program and so I did. I thought because Amy Porterfield was such a big name and such a great marketer that she would be a great coach.
It turned out her marketing style led me down a path that was not in alignment with my purpose. She has what I call a lot of "fake content." She markets to make money. It was blatantly obvious in the program and I can give you several instances of this but that is not what this article is about.
I came to a realization for the first time while reading the book Big Magic by Liz Gilbert. She says and I quote,
“Don't let the lie that you need to make money from your need to make your living from your vocation sabotage you from achieving your life's calling.”
When I shifted my perspective from marketing for money to marketing as a magnet for my message everything shifted. This was an important step in this process. Remember faith and purpose!
Do today's work well. Leave yesterday behind.
Do not bother as to whether yesterday's work was well done or ill done; do today's work well. -W.Wattles
Keep your focus on today. Not yesterday and not tomorrow! Do today!
Do not try to do tomorrow's work now.
Do not try to do tomorrow's work now; there will be plenty of time to do that when you get to it.
I have an entrepreneur friend who has ADHD. She says, "I AM ADHD." using those very words in her blog.
I do not doubt that she has ADHD, just like I am a survivor of Complex PTSD. But when she claims this she is creating a negative mindset that will have negative consequences. This is self-destructive behavior and a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Our messages and content WERE very similar. That is why I bonded with her when I met her. But she could not focus on one thing long enough to get it done.
While I do not have the solution to her ADHD I can tell you that focusing on tomorrow or the next thing is a major distraction and leads to a vicious cycle that never ends. You know kind of like the victim-victimizer cycle.
To get out of that cycle your next step will be to focus. Set smart goals. Make them specific, measurable, attainable, and time-bound. When you set your inner main goal using the s.m.a.r.t. goal method it will be difficult for that negative mindset and self-destructive behavior to set in!
Hold with faith and purpose
Hold with faith and purpose the vision of yourself in the better environment, but act upon your present environment with all your heart, and with all your strength, and with all your mind. -Wallace Wattles
I often wonder what if that friend held with faith and purpose the vision she originally had for herself if this concept would help. Where would she be today?
Act upon your present environment with all your heart, strength, and mind. Watch your world transform magically. See, I told you that the main goal would present opportunities at every corner - including those interruptions.
Start where you are right now
Begin to do what you can do where you are, and you must do ALL that you can do where you are.
During the pandemic, I had to work in Operations cleaning the stairs. That was not ideal! But I gave it my all. I let it contribute to my main goal because it was actually contributing. It was my new workout for the day and I even used it as an opportunity to focus on a new podcast.
Do all you can in a perfect manner
Do all that you can do in a perfect manner every day, but do it without haste, worry, or fear. Go as fast as you can, but never hurry. -Wallace Wattles
We all have things we have to do in our day-to-day lives. When you do it ALL in a perfect manner everything falls into place.
Think of brushing your teeth every day. You do this, right? (I hope so.) When you do it perfectly it spills over into your day. Like a keystone habit. It spills over to other things and then things fall into place without haste, worry, or fear. Imagine how easy those difficult choices become when perfectly doing the little things.
When looking to write the main goal you want to ask yourself the following questions aligned with each goal. Dig deep and find the intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation for all the different types of goals.
A good way to do this is to tie each of your goals to a hobby. It just helps with the habit that you are trying to establish and helps you see that you do, in fact, have the necessary skills to achieve those goals.
What are your core values?
Your core values are traits or qualities that are not just worthwhile, they represent your highest priorities, deeply held beliefs, and core, fundamental driving forces. They are the heart of what you do!
As a life coach, I always try to pull someone's core values out first before doing any goal-setting process. For obvious reasons too, they represent your highest priorities and deeply held beliefs and driving forces.
Often times we identify limiting beliefs in this process. A limiting belief like "I am ADHD."
Here are the main types of inner goals and some ways of adding them to your definite chief aim.
7 Inner Goal Examples
#1. Career Goals
What are the character traits that you want to achieve for your professional goals? Do you need formal education? How about personal development goals? Learn more about identity-based change in this blog post.
#2. Spiritual Goals
When you know your spiritual goals you see how your inner self can help you attain your highest possible self. The good news is this is an important factor in finding your true self. Your inner world is a reflection of your outer world. Your spiritual goals will also take you a long way on this personal growth journey of setting goals in general.
#3. Financial Goals
Obviously, these are important when setting your definite chief aim. But did you know that so many of us neglect to state what dollar amount we want? You know those XXXXs in the definite chief aim outline up there? This could be another limiting belief as well. See, I told you core values were important.
Start thinking about this, leave that comfort zone, and set a clear dollar amount that is high but achievable. Try it, you might just find that your Dream Big page in your Notion journal has to change often!!
#4. Social Goals
I have a friend who recently joined a bible study group. She had to make herself go to her first meeting. Much to her surprise, every other person in the group had the same problem. We all have busy lives and making time to not only set new goals for ourselves but actually take the steps to do them can come across as difficult.
Often times this sets us up for huge success. Why?
Well, my friend found that the bible study group helped her establish a keystone habit. This habit spilled over into other areas of her life and helped ALL of her goals. See I told you everything contributes to your main goal. Even the "bad" stuff!
#5. Family Goals
For most of us, our families are the most important thing in our lives. It is easy to set family goals. But we do need to work at our jobs, we do need to earn money to maintain the lifestyle we want to live.
But an important part of setting family goals is the example it sets for our family.
When you set clear goals and actually know the real reason why you are doing the things you do. You are more confident, established, and well-rounded.
And maybe you tell the family what you are doing. The personal relationships you have with your family members are the most important in your world. Why not make sure those goals you set to reach a deeper level and make you a better person for yourself and your family.
#6. Intellectual Goals
If you are not learning you're dying.
I am not sure who said that but it is true! Learn something new every single day. How can you do that?
Watch Ted-Ed
Read 10 pages of a great book daily
Follow your curiosity - take artist dates from the book The Artist Way
Build your vocabulary
Encourage yourself with Good Job, brain!
Listen to a new podcast channel or YouTube channel.
#7. Physical (Fitness, Nutrition, and Wellness) Goals
Last but certainly not least it is important to maintain our physical health. We do so by taking care of our fitness, eating well, and maintaining our health and wellness by making good choices.
Honestly, our health goals are probably the most important of all. If you are healthy it will spill over into all areas of your life.
I remember my ADHD friend was talking during one of our meetings about having some kind of reaction to MSG (a spice in so many foods nowadays). She spent so much time talking about this reaction that there was no time to discuss the benefits I could have relayed in the first place.
This happens so often to me. I have so much knowledge about fitness and mindset but we, as human beings focus on external circumstances that we miss the forest for the trees. Do the inner work, and find different ways to approach situations. This perspective gives meaning to your whole life.
In closing, do you want inner joy, a better job, the feeling of fulfillment daily, to live life to your fullest potential with the right mindset? And I know you want this feeling to last a long time.
Take all the steps listed to write and feel your definite chief aim. Hold it in your pocket and close to your heart, look at it daily, and set those long-term goals. Set big goals. And watch your life change in a great way!!
I can’t wait to see what you do with it!
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