Napoleon Hill's Outwitting the Devil: The Surprising Link Between Food and Mental Clarity
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Today we discuss food and the book Outwitting the Devil. What does Napoleon Hill say about food in his interview with the devil. It’s really important. Read this popular post today. Know someone who could benefit from this article? Feel free to share it with them using the simple share button to the side.
As a Certified Fitness Trainer and Certified Life Coach since 2002, I've read many books about personal development, and one that stands out is Napoleon Hill's "Outwitting the Devil". In fact, it is actually in the top 3 of my all-time favorite books. It is that impactful!! In this book, Hill discusses various aspects of life, including the role of food in our lives. Here's what Napoleon Hill has to say about food and how it relates to our success.
Food is one of the most important aspects of our lives!
According to Hill (and the devil in his interview), food is one of the most important aspects of our lives. It affects our physical and mental health, which in turn affects our success in life. He argues that we should be mindful of what we eat and how it affects us, both in the short and long term.
Hill emphasizes the importance of eating a balanced diet that includes all the essential nutrients. He notes that a diet that is high in sugar and processed foods can lead to health problems like obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. On the other hand, a diet that is rich in whole foods like fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats can improve our health and help us achieve our goals.
Hill also stresses the importance of moderation in our diet. He believes that we should enjoy our food but not overindulge in it. Overeating can lead to weight gain, digestive problems, and other health issues. It can also affect our mental and emotional well-being, leading to feelings of guilt and shame. I spoke about guilt and Reality Transurfing last week. You can find a link to that article here.
Moreover, Hill encourages us to be mindful of the way we eat. He suggests that we should eat slowly, savoring each bite, and paying attention to how our body responds. By doing so, we can better understand our hunger and satiety cues, which can help us make better food choices.
Napoleon Hill's insights on food and its impact on our success in life are valuable for anyone looking to improve their health and achieve their goals. By eating a balanced diet, practicing moderation, and being mindful of our eating habits, we can improve our physical and mental well-being, which can lead to greater success in all aspects of life.
Today we are going to discuss some quotes from the book Outwitting the Devil and what they mean for us who are trying to attain a healthy lifestyle. Let’s discuss this.
From the book:
The book is an interview of the Devil by Napoleon Hill. Hill asked the devil questions and the devil answered. This interview was done via an invisible council and was in fact extremely powerful. The devil says,
"I cause people to drift on every subject through which I can control independent thought and action. Take the subject of health, for example. I cause most people to eat too much food and the wrong sort of food. This leads to indigestion and destroys the power of accurate thought. If the public schools and the churches taught children more about proper eating, they would do my cause irreparable damage.
….Take the desire for physical food, for example. The majority of people are so weak in self-discipline that they fill their stomachs with combinations of rich food that please the taste but overwork the organs of digestion and elimination. They pour into their stomachs both quantities and combinations of food which the body chemist can dispose of only by converting the food into deadly toxic poisons.
These poisons clog and stagnate the body sewer system until it slows down in its work of eliminating waste matter. After a while, the sewer system stops working altogether, and the victim has what he calls “constipation.”
By that time he is ready for the hospital. Auto-intoxication, or body sewer poisoning, takes the machinery of the brain and rolls it into something resembling a wad of putty.
The victim then becomes sluggish in his physical movements and mentally irritable and fussy. If he could only take one good look at, and one bad smell of, his sewer system, he would be ashamed to look himself in the face.
City sewers are not the pleasantest of places when they become overloaded or clogged, but they are clean and sweet compared with the intestinal sewer when it has been overloaded or clogged.
This is not a pretty story to be associated with the pleasant and necessary act of eating, but that is where it belongs because over-eating and wrong food combinations are the evils that cause auto-intoxication.
People who eat wisely and keep their body sewers clean handicap me because a clean body sewer generally means a sound body and a brain that functions properly.
Imagine—if your imagination can be stretched that far— how any human being could move with definiteness of purpose with his body sewer filled with enough poison to kill a hundred people if it were injected into their bloodstream directly.
Here again, Napoleon Hill is far ahead of his time. Science eventually caught up with Hill—and even surpassed his intuition about physical processes and how they link to mental and emotional health.
Lack of Self-Discipline
In the book "Outwitting the Devil," Napoleon Hill explains how the devil uses people's weaknesses and lack of self-discipline to control their thoughts and actions. One of the most significant areas where he claims to have control is food, which he says is responsible for many health problems and a lack of mental clarity.
Hill argues that most people lack self-discipline and fill their stomachs with rich and unhealthy foods that overwork the organs of digestion and elimination. These foods are converted into deadly toxic poisons that clog and stagnate the body's sewer system, leading to constipation and auto-intoxication.
Auto-intoxication, according to Hill, can lead to sluggish physical movements and mental irritability, making it challenging to move with a definiteness of purpose. A clean body sewer, on the other hand, generally means a sound body and a brain that functions properly, which can be a significant handicap to Hill's efforts to control people's thoughts and actions.
Hill suggests that if schools and churches taught children more about proper eating, it would cause irreparable damage to his cause. He also emphasizes the importance of moderation in our diet and being mindful of what we eat and how it affects us.
Hill’s message is still important today!
Although Hill wrote these words in the early 20th century, his insights on the importance of proper nutrition and its impact on physical and mental health are still relevant today. Science has confirmed that a diet rich in whole foods, lean protein, and healthy fats can improve our health and well-being. While a diet high in sugar and processed foods can lead to health problems like obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.
Napoleon Hill's observations on food and its impact on our physical and mental health are worth taking note of. Eating wisely, practicing moderation, and keeping our body sewers clean can help us achieve optimal health and mental clarity, which can lead to greater success in all aspects of life. As a Certified Fitness Trainer and Certified Life Coach, I encourage my clients to follow these principles for optimal health and success.
Physical Appetite
Napoleon Hill asked the devil this question and the devil’s answer follows:
"And all this trouble is the result of a lack of control over the physical appetite for food?
Answer. Well, if you wish to be absolutely correct you should say that improper eating is responsible for the majority of the ills of the body, and practically all headaches. If you want proof of this, select 100 people suffering from headaches and give each of them a thorough washing out of their body sewer systems with a high enema, and observe that no fewer than ninety-five of the headaches will disappear within a few minutes after their sewers have been cleaned."
In the book "Outwitting the Devil," Napoleon Hill argues that improper eating habits are responsible for many physical and mental health problems, including headaches. He suggests that if we want proof of this, we can select 100 people suffering from headaches and give each of them a thorough washing out of their body sewer systems with a high enema.
Hill claims that after cleaning out their body sewers, no fewer than 95 of the headaches will disappear within a few minutes. This is a bold claim, but there is some scientific evidence to support it.
According to the American Migraine Foundation, certain foods and drinks can trigger migraines and other types of headaches. These triggers vary from person to person, but some of the most common ones include alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, aged cheeses, and processed meats.
Moreover, studies have shown that constipation, which can be caused by a poor diet and lack of exercise, can contribute to the development of headaches and migraines. When waste products and toxins build up in the body due to constipation, they can cause inflammation and disrupt the body's normal functioning, leading to headaches and other health problems.
Hill's suggestion that cleaning out the body sewer system with a high enema can alleviate headaches may seem extreme, but it underscores the importance of proper nutrition and elimination. When we eat a healthy diet and keep our body sewers clean, we reduce our risk of developing health problems like headaches, constipation, and auto-intoxication.
Napoleon Hill's observations on the link between improper eating habits and headaches are worth considering. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution to headaches, eating a healthy diet and maintaining good elimination habits can go a long way in preventing and alleviating them. As a Certified Fitness Trainer and Certified Life Coach, I encourage my clients to be mindful of what they eat and how it affects their health and well-being.
Although Hill wrote these words in the early 20th century, his observations on the link between improper eating habits and headaches are supported by modern science. Eating a healthy diet and engaging in regular physical activity are essential for maintaining good health, but so is maintaining good elimination habits.
In conclusion, Napoleon Hill's book "Outwitting the Devil" provides valuable insights on proper nutrition and elimination habits that can help us achieve optimal health and success in all aspects of life. As a Certified Fitness Trainer and Certified Life Coach, I encourage my clients to be mindful of their eating and elimination habits and adopt healthy habits that promote optimal health and well-being.
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