🔥HOT Habit Checklist
If I can get my client and friend to create a habit my job as their Personal Trainer AND Life Coach is 99% complete!
I have been the Fitness and Wellness Director at OCuSOFT since 2013. We have grown from about 75 employees in 2013 to 176 in the Houston office and 24 outside sales reps across the country today. (2022)
I recently moved back full-time to the gym for the first time since 2020 due to the pandemic restrictions and needs of the company.
I offer my services of everything I coach online for free to the team members. Out of those 200 employees, I have 26 on my email list for the gym. And only 3 of those 26 actually take my courses and ask me questions about fitness. 😯😥
Ever since I was a kid I have been obsessed with behavior modification, why people act and think as they do, and fitness. When I want to learn something I immerse myself in the books and education around this. I am a voracious reader! Click here for just a few of the books I have read and recommend. 😯
Over the past 6 months, I have immersed myself in the study of habits and behavior modification. I read and re-read and listened to books like Innercise, The Slight Edge, The Power of Habit, and Atomic Habits.
A light bulb went off in my head💡!!
If I can get my clients and friends to create a habit, then and only then can I actually help them with their fitness goals.
I have been certified for over 20 years now. I have worked with thousands of people from age 15 to age 90+.
If you are suffering from pain - fitness and mindset is the answer.
If you need to drop a few pounds - fitness and mindset is the answer.
If you are lacking in productivity at work - fitness and mindset is the answer.
Have you been diagnosed with an illness? - Fitness, and mindset is the answer.
Suffering from depression, anxiety, or another mental condition - fitness and mindset is the answer.
Are you stressed out? Fitness and mindset is the answer.
Okay, you get it!
Pro tip: Your mental and physical health requires assistance from professionals. Nothing can substitute the help of mental health professionals. Read this blog post.
Now you may be saying, “Kathie that’s easy for you to say you are in fitness and mindset.” Yes, that’s true. But it wasn’t very long ago I was in the same boat as the people above. Let me explain.
In January of this year (2022 if you are reading this later) I fell off the wagon. I was completely fatigued and exhausted. I was aching all over and I had a bad habit that I was completely unaware of - (just FYI it’s not my fault it’s how our brains work). Stick with me here.
I got my blood work done in March and found out that my body was not processing nutrients properly, most specifically my insulin production was down and causing me to be almost “diabetic.” At this time I blamed it on women's hormone imbalance. I am as old as the Super Bowl (1966) so I guess I am due!
Even after seeing those results, I continued to drink, not 1, but 2 Monster drinks a day.😯😯 It was a BAD HABIT. Mind you I felt like crap, my workouts were down to nothing, and when I did the workout I was sore for days.
Then it hit me. When I read this post on my Instagram. I was like caffeine and the chemicals in the Monster drink were my “bad” habit. How could I??
Remember how I said it wasn’t my fault? Well, it wasn’t. It was my brain’s fault. It was an unconscious “habit.”
Habit is the keyword here. Did you know that when you have a habit, bad or good, your brain does not know the difference? We just do it unconsciously.
Much like my Monster drinks habit. I knew in my mind it was not good. I also had everyone tell me that they were bad for me. I didn’t listen - it was unconscious.
When we become AWARE that our bad habits are hurting us we begin to find another way. Awareness is #1 on the 🔥HOT HABIT Checklist, but I get ahead of myself.
I immediately got rid of the big package of monster drinks I had just purchased. But I had another problem - how was I going to handle the caffeine withdrawal of headaches and pain?
You know, I have all this knowledge about fitness, mindset, and behavior modification in my brain! Remember, any age 15-90+. Yes! Including helping myself when I catch myself in the “bad” habit loop.
Today’s video and podcast episode is all about this checklist and how it can help you.
Below are 3 ways to absorb this content:
Show Notes:
Today’s Episode is All about the 🔥HOT Habit Checklist
We discuss:
Habits are powerful but delicate
Bad habits are not your fault - blame the caveman!
Become aware
Change your identity
Recipe for sustained success
Change your processes
Change your outcomes
Create friction
Set clear goals
Find harmony
Expect failure
Embody the new habit
Links mentioned in this episode:
Video: https://youtu.be/O2Ky1d2Voqc
Blog Post: https://www.kathieowen.com/blog/hot-habit-checklist
Books: Innercise, The Slight Edge, Atomic Habits, The Power of Habit
The story about Michael Phelps: https://tinyurl.com/2p8s5ddr