Dealing with Annoyance Reality Transurfing Style
The type of person who is asleep in the waking world cannot allow themselves or others to be themselves. They create dependent relationships which generate polarisation and evoke the wind of balanced forces which brings people with diametrically opposed personality traits together in order to cancel out the dissimilarity between them.
Reality Transurfing, Steps I-V, Vadim Zeland
Today’s episode is about this quote. And I read it on my Readwise app and tweeted it out as you see here:
What caught my eye in this quote were a few things:
the type of person who is asleep and does not allow THEMSELVES or OTHERS to be themselves
And balancing forces
And once I got into the meat of this episode I discovered several things that we discuss on Episode #40 of Stop the Mind Screw Podcast.
Listen to the episode here:
Mentioned in the episode:
Vadim does a Q&A at the end of the book
This part is about a woman asking a question about her relationship and her annoyances with her partner
Annoyance reflects a lack of awareness
Pendulums induce action that causes even more annoyance
Dependent relationships create polarization
When we become annoyed with our partner, friend, co-worker, the pendulums will induce action that causes even more annoyance
When we are asleep (not awake to the world around us) we become obedient to the pendulum and the world just happens to us.
Other’s actions are influenced by a pendulum that wants to annoy you even more. So it can then feed on the energy of your irritation.
Me being a huge Astros fan and the pendulums I give my energy to and those I do not give my energy to.
Read more articles here:
Transcript from the episode:
Today we're talking Transurfing on Tuesday and we're talking about relationships and the pendulums and all that good stuff.
You're listening to the Stop the Mind Screw Podcast. I'm your host, Kathie Owen Certified Fitness Trainer, and Life Coach since 2002. On this podcast, we talk about fitness mindset, insights and perspectives, and Reality Transurfing because that book right there is extremely life-changing and powerful.
We are in the book on this one part where he's discussing the game of partners. So towards the end of the book, Vadim answers questions, and people ask these questions and they come up with solutions or, he gives them more insight into what he talked about.
So, this person's question said, "You said that seemingly incompatible individuals marry as if to punish one another. When I read this, I thought it described my situation perfectly. Could you give me any practical advice as to how to find a way out of the situation? What to do and think?"
So he goes on to say it is true that the majority of divorces come about for the relatively trivial reason that the partners involved, refuse to accept each other as they are.
It is not a matter of who is right, and who is wrong awareness, or rather the lack of it is the one key to the cause of conflicts that seem to arise over the trivial things in life.
Annoyance reflects a lack of awareness. I'm going to repeat that because that's pretty powerful. And he says annoyance reflects a lack of awareness.
Now, this next part that I'm going to read is a little blurb that I tweeted out because it came up in my read wise, which I love read wise, and I'll have a link to that in the show notes, but it came up in my read wise and I tweeted it and I said, I'm going to discuss this on the podcast. And I didn't even know what section of the book it came from.
I just really. Like what this little blurb says, and it applies to anybody, even in relationships with a partner or just relationships in general.
The type of person who is asleep in the waking world cannot allow themselves or others to be themselves. They create dependent relationships which generate polarization and evoke the wind, of balancing forces, which it brings people with diametrically opposed personality traits together in order to cancel out the dissimilarities between them.
I'm going to read a little bit further now because. He goes, he goes on to talk about this, but that was the highlight. I highlighted in my tweet, in addition to everything else, syncing a polarity of qualities, pendulums induce action that caused even more annoyance. You may have noticed that sometimes your partner seems to do things deliberately to annoy you.
Be aware that in the majority of cases, they are not conscious of what they are doing. Their actions are influenced by a pendulum that wants to annoy you even more so that it can feed on the energy of your irritation. When people say we are not compatible or our personalities clash, what they really mean is we could not accept each other the way we are.
Because people are asleep in waking, they turn into weak wheeled, puppets, obedient to the pendulums and life begins to just happen to them and the nature of the dream.
So I really want to touch on this right here. The type of person who is asleep in the waking world cannot allow themselves or others to be themselves.
Why is that? It's because we are asleep and we're not awake and we're not aware of what is going on when we don't accept the other person for how they are. We are not living in love. Uh, you're, you're falling asleep and you're creating a dependent relationship, which generates polarization and evokes the wind, of balancing forces.
So polarization is opposite. Just think of the north pole and the south pole. You've got one person at the north pole, one person at the south pole, and they can't find a main meeting ground. And when that happens, you evoke the forces, the balancing forces. Those are the things that will bring importance down to your level.
So when you put somebody on a pedestal and you expect them to be something that they're not. You are going to bring in balancing forces because of the importance that's there and the pendulum, it doesn't care. And actually, it will work harder. The more aware you are of it, the it will try to get you in. So your partner is going to pick on you because the pendulum has pulled that energy in there.
Now, if you want to know more about pendulums and which pendulums are constructive or destructive in your life, I have a free download on how to deal with pendulums because they are everywhere and there's no escaping them. I have heard Vadim say that all pendulums are destructive, but I tend to disagree with him because I think.
Um, and maybe I'm wrong that he didn't say that because there are such things as constructive pendulums, you just need to decide where you're sticking your energy. So he says their actions are influenced by a pendulum that wants to annoy you even more. So it can then feed on the energy of your irritation.
Remember, annoyance reflects a lack of awareness. Now annoyance can happen on all different levels and it's coming from a pendulum. If you download my download, it'll show you look, here's pendulums that are constructive, and I'm going to give my energy to, and here are some that are destructive that I've been giving my energy to.
And I see it's causing me annoyance. Let me give you a great example that maybe it might change the way you. Relate to a pendulum.
And I've talked about this before. I'm a huge Houston Astros fan I'm in my fifties. And I grew up watching them. I get that they cheated and the people are mad and dah, dah, dah, dah.
What has happened around them. And it's so funny to watch the pendulum because I grew up watching them when they won the 2017 world series. I cried, I literally cried because they had never won the world series. They been to the world series one time and lost all the games. And so. I've loved the Astros and that's one pendulum I will give my energy to because I just love the sport.
I love the game. I love the team. And I also love watching the dynamics of the. So here is a great example of, of a pendulum at work. Our opening day game was in Los Angeles at the angels, and my boys were at the game wearing Astros jerseys and everything. Those teams nowadays. R. So their fans are so mad.
They're just like belligerent and rude and they're screaming, cheater, cheater, and boo, and all this stuff. And it's just funny. I get how the pendulum works. And so. They're fans started giving them crap. Like, um, my, my youngest son went into the restroom and he said that they were banging trash cans and he didn't get what was going on.
He cause he, he just that's his personality, but then he goes, oh yeah, they're being in trash cans because, um, because of the Astros, supposedly bang trash cans, I don't know. I'm not getting involved in that. I sit back and watch. Okay. There is starting to get destructive. I'm not going to let myself go into that energy.
I'm not going to give my energy to that pendulum. So I sit back and watch it because what I've learned through Reality Transurfing is the best way to stop a pendulum is to watch it, just observe it and go, oh, okay. I see what's going on. I see what's happening, you know? It just wants my energy and I'm not going to give my energy to that because that's destructive and it's an annoyance and it's an angry, and it's a dissatisfaction that the pendulum only wants me to have lack of fulfillment and dissatisfaction.
Those are their favorite dishes. And so I sit back and watch it and I go, oh, I see what's going on there. And. It's funny because then when you start using a sense of humor with a pendulum, it stops the, it stops the pendulum from swaying. Totally.
And it's very effective and very good, but he, and he even says somewhere in the book, he says, come down into the auditorium and watch, just sit back and watch and watch what's going on and watch the behaviors.
You can even see people giving their energy to the pendulum. They're screaming, cheater tutor. How mean is that? It's funny that the pendulum will effect like that. And so I sit back and watch it. So my point in telling you all of this is, guess what? The pendulum evolves and it moves on to something else and it moves on to somebody else.
And the sooner you quit giving your energy to it, the better off you are. Because it only wants annoyance. And that's why it feels like that spouse is trying to get you annoyed or that partner or somebody in your world is just trying to annoy you when really, probably they only want to be heard. They only want to express themselves, their feelings and you're not hearing them because you're caught up in the energy of the pendulum.
All right. That's my episode for today. I hope you liked it. If you know somebody who can benefit from this, please share it with them and also go download your Reality Transurfing pendulum download it's And it will be my episode for today. I hope you liked it.
And until next time, I'll see you next time. Peace out and Namaste.
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