Reality Transurfing My World is Taking Care of Me
It’s Tuesday and today we are talking Reality Transurfing, advantage and how my world is always taking care of me.
In today’s episode we discuss
We are on page 611 of the book Reality Transurfing. And I came across this quote in my Readwise. Readwise is an app that works with your books and reading apps. It takes your highlights and notes them in Notion or another app and also sends you daily emails (in the free trial and then in your subscription). I highly recommend this, especially if you are an avid reader.
I came across this quote from the book Reality Transurfing and that is what we discuss today in the podcast.
Rouse yourself, open your eyes, sit up in the bed and look around you. It is the same world as it was before that took care of you and with whom you want. So enjoyed spending time, imagine how delighted the world will be when you finally come round from illusion.
Also discussed today:
I am a survivor of Complex PTSD, we all have PTSD in some form or fashion.
Changing your outlook instead of flowing with the pendulums
Dissatisfaction is more powerful than the feeling of satisfaction and why that is the case.
The world is a mirror
If we keep showing dissatisfaction in the world we will get more of it.
Instead, find satisfaction in everyday things
Show satisfaction as often as you can - get in the habit of this
Complaining about the weather - you will get more of this
Toxic positivity girl - @miriamfried - she’ll probably be positive for a while now that the world is to her liking - travel and no pandemic and it is springtime in New York 🙄
Instead, start to look at your world as always taking care of me, find advantage in everything because it is there, and quit giving your energy to the pendulums
More Transurfing Posts Here
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Transcript from the episode
This is a transcript, expect errors.
It's Tuesday y’all that means it's Transurfing on Tuesday. And today we are talking about advantage and my world is always taking care of me. Let's get into the episode. You're listening to the Stop the Mind Screw Podcast. I'm your host, Kathie Owen Certified Fitness Trainer and Life Coach since 2002. Teaching stop the mind screw process, talking fitness, wellness, healthy habits and of course, Reality Transurfing. So today's episode comes from a part in the book that was brought up to my attention and. My Readwise, I have a subscription to Readwise and they send me little, um, highlights that I've highlighted from different books.
I also use Readwise with Notion and I'll have links to all of that in the blog post that goes with this episode and how that works. But what that does is it sends me little blurbs from books that I've highlighted. And in Reality Transurfing, it talked about. Uh, I think I'm in about page 611. This little quote right here is what it brought to me.
But I'm going to go back a little bit further before I, I, I go on, but this was what my read wise brought to my attention. It says, now
Rouse yourself, open your eyes, sit up in the bed and look around you. It is the same world as it was before that took care of you and with whom you want. So enjoyed spending time, imagine how delighted the world will be when you finally come round from Illusion.
All right. So what he's talking about here, and I'm going to read a little bit further in this is he's talking about how the world is always taking care of me advantage and. Eh, you know, we get caught up in being entitled and spoiled, and he talks about that in here too, as well. And I just really found this, um, inspiring, you may know, I am a survivor of complex post-traumatic stress disorder.
And honestly, I think everyone in the world has post-traumatic stress of some sort or it is just trauma in happens here in life / human existence. But what I learned through my years in therapy, my years of studying this, these things like Reality Transurfing, is you can change your outlook on the world as opposed to just going with everybody else's thinking and the pendulums.
So here we go. We're talking in the book. Um, dissatisfaction is a more powerful feeling than satisfaction that comes from comfort and being at peace. Now, remember dissatisfaction and lack of fulfillment are the pendulum's favorite dishes. So we want to avoid dissatisfaction. And actually, if you notice that you look around how easily dissatisfaction is a lot more prominent than satisfaction and.
Before in previous episodes, you've never seen somebody suffering from too much joy. It just, it it's just the way it is being human. Let's go back to the book, failing to understand that we are in fact happy now, despite everything we demand more and more from the world, the charges request become.
And the charge itself is more spoiled and unthankful. Naturally, the world cannot keep up with the charges quickly growing needs, and the pet starts to make complaints changing their attitude to the world. You are bad. You do not give me anything. I want. You do not take care of me at this point. The negative relationship is charged with all the power of the unfulfilled soul and the.
The world is a mirror, so it can do nothing except throw its hands up in dismay and reply as you wish. My sweet, let it be your way. As a result, reality as a reflection of human thought. Changes for the worst. When the things get to this stage, a person has more reason to feel dissatisfied as a result of which their relationship to life breaks down even more.
And so the former favorite and pet is transformed into a grump shortchanged by fate and constantly complaining that the world owes him something. It is a sorry picture. People do not remember that they were the ones to ruin it all spotting certain less pleasant features in the mirror's reflection.
They focus their attention on them until expressing their negative response becomes an automatic response. As a result, everything gets worse than it was before. And the reflection reality gradually becomes dimmer as a result. This is why the layer of an individual's world loses its former brightness and becomes more and more dull and uncomfortable.
However, you can bring it all back. Very simply the feeling of calm serenity that tastes of ice cream, as it was in your childhood, the feeling of newness hope for something better and the joy of life, you will not believe how easy it is, but you do not have to believe it. Try it. It does not occur to anyone that they can renew the layer of their world by taking control of their relationship to reality.
Whatever you make of your perception of the world is what your world will become. This should not be interpreted as some wishy washy challenge to look at life more optimistically, but as a genuine step to shaping your reality. From this moment, onwards, whatever happens, make it a rule to consciously control your outlook on life.
He continues to go on and he says, the world has not changed just as a mirror, never changes. It is your relationship to the world that has changed. And with it reality as a reflection of your thoughts. Now, Rouse yourself, open your eyes, sit up in the bed and look around you. It is. World as it was before that took care of you and with whom you once and so enjoyed spending time, imagine how delighted the world will be.
When you finally come around from the illusion. Now you are together again, and everything will be as it used to. Never again, must you offend this old faithful servant with your thankless attitudes. <AKA toxic positivity>. Most importantly, do not hurry for according to the third mirror principle, he needs time to get back to his former self.
Initially, you will need to show patience and self-control, you have to understand that this is a part of your specific work on shaping your real. In many circumstances, even the most minor confirm your amalgram formula, it does not matter what is happening, whether it is something good or something bad.
When something fortunate the world really is taking care of you cite this confirmation at every minor detail of life. When you come against something that might disappoint you. Make sure that even, so you tell yourself that everything is unfolding as it should, according to the principle of the coordination of intention, however circumstances and fold your reaction must be unwavering.
The world is always looking after you. No matter what. If something happens and you are lucky pay particular attention to what is happening. And if you are not lucky, observe the principle of coordination of intention and that way you will always remain on a successful lifeline. You do not have to know what dangers the world is protecting you from, or by what means it does.
So place your trust in the world. It is essential that you learn to trust. Break the ice of mistrust. Every time you face a problem, even if it is relatively minor, say to yourself, I let my world take care of me, adopting the thought that everything will turn out well of its own accord by default. Make a habit of allowing the world to take care of you from the tiny details of everyday life, to the most important issues in your life.
If you've walked out the front door without an umbrella and it looks like it might, rain do not head back inside. Tell yourself my world. And I are going to take a walk, tell your world, you will look after me. Won't you, your world will, of course answer you. Of course, my darling, you can boldly rely on your world.
It will not rain. And if it does, the world will provide you. With somewhere to shelter just in time. If things do not turn out so successfully do not be offended or doubt bitterly, whether the world takes care of you, remember that you are standing in front of him. All the mirror does is reflect your mental outlook no more and no less.
There is no point in getting upset and even less so on battling with your doubts. It is useless. Leave room for mistakes and setbacks. The most important thing is to hold to your overall course. Oh my, my, yes. I inserted toxic positivity in there because. Toxic positivity is an oxymoron. And when you look at positivity as toxic, you are going to get more toxicity.
I have a gal that I nicknamed toxic positivity girl, because that's what she called me. And it just funny because I observe her behavior, how she talks and. Reacts to her world. And it, it cracks me up because her toxic positivity is not working out for her. She's constantly been complaining about. The weather in New York and as you know, the weather and how you feel about it is a pendulum.
Why give your dissatisfaction and energy to that pendulum? Well, that's what she does when the pandemic. Oh, my Lanta, she was talking all kinds of negativity and definitely going it's okay for you to feel bad. Well, guess what, when you say that and you say, it's okay for you to feel bad, you're going to mirror that and you're going to get more of that.
But when I tried to tell her that anger didn't solve anything or. Change her, how, how she was thinking about that. She quickly argued with me, um, and said that I was blinded by the light and forced me to agree with that. I was blinded by the light and I'm like, you know, She's right. I am. And I would much rather look at my world has always taken care of me than to sit there and have the mirror be reflected back to me and have bad things come back.
And, and, and that's what I would like for you to take from that as well. And I'm sure in reality trend surfing, that's exactly what he's trying to teach. That what you put out there, you get back what you put in your mind. It's only an illusion. So why not make that illusion a positive one? That my world is always taking care of me.
I love how he talks about when you leave the house and you go, oh, I forgot my umbrella. Just trust that the world will always take care of you and that it will work out the way it's supposed to, because I read this book in 20 16, 20 17. Now that I look back at it and I'm like, whoa, um, I've adopted these principles and I see how it is so much easier and so much more peaceful and relaxing to look at the world as always taking care of me rather as then as, oh my gosh, somebody is pressing toxic, toxic positivity on me and forcing me to be positive.
All right. That's your choice. And as it is. That's what you have. So look at the world is always taking care of me. Give the pendulum your energy, even though it's easier to fill dissatisfaction than it is to feel satisfaction because that's human nature. All right. Episode four today. I hope you please be sure to share with someone.
Who can benefit from this? And until next time I’ll see you next time Peace Out and Namaste.
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