Why I Quit Talking About Reality Transurfing
Article Summary
I quit talking about Reality Transurfing®️ for a time. This article explains my thoughts on people being blacklisted, the trademark of the book, and Rene Garcia’s (the so-called only one “endorsed by Vadim” to teach the topic) antics which are definitely not in alignment with mine.
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Thank you, Kathie Owen
Reality Transurfing®️, is by far one of the best books out there about changing your life.
And I used to talk about it all the time. I have several videos on it. And I started a series called “Transurfing in Traffic.” I was even going to teach a course on it. All of that came to a complete halt! And I will no longer do any of these things! With pleasure, I oddly admit!
Note: This post was written in October 2020. This post is extremely popular. Obviously, I still talk about Reality Transurfing. I think the popularity of this post is because I address the drama that took place. I believe these concepts need to be discussed and discussed with kindness. Those are my intentions, just like any other book I discuss. Please keep that in mind as you read this! -Kathie (June 2022)
*I am not, nor do I claim to be a Reality Transurfing instructor or coach.*
How I found Reality Transurfing:
I first found out about Reality Transurfing in 2017 through Aaron Doughty on YouTube.
I quoted Vadim (the author of the book) on my Instagram.
I read the book in its entirety 3 times.
I even listened to Bootsy Greenwood reading the book on YouTube several times. (those are removed BTW). But I think he is reading them again somewhere else now. 😉
The group on Facebook.
I am (was) one of the Founding Members of the International Transurfing Institute on Facebook. I have lately realized that is not such an honor.
Renee Garcia, the ONLY person "endorsed by Vadim Zeland" 😯to discuss Reality Transurfing found me on Instagram and recruited me to be a part of this group.
In the very beginning stages of this group, Renee, Bootsy Greenwood, and one other person were the "entitled" teachers to this group. I call them "entitled" because they acted like that in their videos.
They looked pretty obnoxious and seemed overly important IMO. “Not a transurfing way to act,” I thought.
So that exploded and all of a sudden Bootsy was out of the group. There was some type of falling out. The details were hush-hush and to this day I don't know what really happened. It's really none of my business but something felt wrong about the whole thing.
Then I found out Aaron was actually "blacklisted" by Vadim. 😲😢
Aaron Doughty and Reality Transurfing
Like I said I found out about RT on Aaron's YouTube Channel. He even taught a class on it.
I signed up for this class. It was about $50 per month. I stayed for 2 months. His material was great, for a newcomer. I felt I already knew all of this stuff so I canceled.
I am not sure why Aaron was "blacklisted" but he was. I suspect it was due to teaching this course. 😢
Because of all of this, when I started teaching Transurfing in Traffic I got with Renee to make sure it was okay.
She got with her "team" and approved me.🤔 I was supposed to include all the details according to Renee and her “team". This included Rene’s $397 course on any video I did about RT and include the trademark as well.
The details I was “obliged” to include in my video were an affiliate link to her $397 course, a link to the Facebook group, and the trademark. Something I refuse to do because well, how could I endorse a course that I did not know a thing about or a group I no longer endorse? And the trademark? I find that questionable - at least from my end of the totem pole.
But this was getting deeper and uglier than I expected. 😢
Reality Transurfing and forcing onto other groups
Renee then created a messenger group within our Facebook group. In this group she expected people to go into other groups and promote RT.
(Note: January 2023 - ironically (or synchronistically) Renee removed me from that Messenger group this month and all of a sudden this article is EXTREMELY popular. Interesting, Renee!)
Okay, this is all cool. But then I see they are promoting RT in the Baby Elephant Group. This is a group that belongs to a dear friend of Aaron's. Leora's YouTube Channel: Leora Alexandra 😍
This to me appears to be force on the levels of consciousness and I prefer to come from a place of power!
And this messenger group appears to be full of groupies reporting back to Renee about how they promoted her channel and the YouTube videos all over Facebook. 🤮
Everything just feels more wrong all the time!!
Here's my big beef with all of this.🍔
I saw Aaron on his stories in June of 2020. He looked very sad and said he was in a lawsuit for promoting material in a book. He couldn't say who, of course. But this was all happening at the same time.
Renee was trying to take her channel to another level. And all power to her, but who did she hurt in the process?
Not very "transurfing" IMO!
Definitely not kind.
Read popular Transurfing Posts Here!
I mean you’d never hear Eckhart Tolle, Louise Hay, or Wayne Dyer say,
“This is trademarked material. Only people I allow can talk about this. Otherwise, you’re blacklisted and while I am at it I think I’ll sue you for talking about/teaching it.”
I feel bad for all involved. Renee is an awesome teacher! She knows RT inside and out. But she ONLY studies Reality Transurfing and she can be very - well - ‘all about me’ type of a teacher!!!
Watch a video I did on Reality Transurfing and Stop the Mind Screw
It comes across as inauthentic.😢
It also has so much to do with importance. And importance is a huge part of RT.
It hurts me to see someone like Aaron get blacklisted. He has taught so many people about this book. Heck, I bet if it wasn't for him many would not even know of the book back in early 2018.
Back to my case in point, you wouldn't hear Eckhart, Wayne, Louise, Depak, or any other awesome author like Vadim tell someone they couldn't teach their material.
This type of material is channeled. I have no doubt that Reality Transurfing was channeled. It is just too similar to all the other spiritual teachings I have studied.
Unfortunately, I will not discuss Reality Transurfing anymore. Not in Reality Transurfing terms anyway. (updated in October 2021 - I do and will talk about it, there are too many out there looking for this information and it needs to be discussed --- in a kind way!)
Maybe they will fall from that pedestal and realize this needs to be shared.
Openly and FREELY and in KINDNESS, the way Infinite Intelligence designed it to be.
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Thank you for spending part of your day with me. Peace out and Namaste,
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