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Unleashing Potential: A Review of the Book "Innercise"


As an aspiring corporate wellness director, HR representative, or CEO, you understand the importance of fostering a culture of wellness within your organization.

To guide you on this journey, I want to introduce you to "Innercise" by John Assaraf, a book that offers profound insights into optimizing mental performance and achieving personal and professional growth.

In this blog post, we will explore the big idea of "Innercise," why it matters, a glimpse into the how, and what you can expect from implementing its concepts in your corporate wellness programs.

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The What: Unpacking the Big Idea

The big idea behind "Innercise" is the concept of mental fitness. Just as we exercise our bodies to maintain physical health, we must also "innercise" our minds to achieve mental clarity, resilience, and peak performance.

John Assaraf introduces a series of mental exercises designed to strengthen your brain's capabilities, improve focus, and enhance emotional intelligence.

Metaphor: The Brain Gym

Think of your brain as a gym. Just as you wouldn't expect to gain physical strength without regular workouts, you can't expect to achieve mental agility without consistent innercising. "Innercise" provides the tools and techniques to turn your brain into a well-oiled machine, capable of navigating the challenges of the corporate world with ease and efficiency.

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The Why: Understanding the Importance

Frustrations and Challenges

Implementing the concepts from "Innercise" into your corporate wellness program can initially seem daunting. You might encounter resistance from employees who are skeptical about mental exercises or find it challenging to integrate these practices into their daily routines.

Additionally, there may be frustrations with measuring the effectiveness of these mental fitness exercises in a corporate setting.

Reiterating Desires

As a corporate wellness director, you want to create an environment where employees are engaged, productive, and mentally resilient. You aim to reduce stress, enhance creativity, and foster a culture of continuous improvement.

"Innercise" aligns perfectly with these goals, offering practical strategies to nurture a mentally fit workforce.

Common Mistakes

One common mistake is underestimating the importance of mental fitness. Many wellness programs focus heavily on physical health while neglecting the mind.

Another mistake is failing to provide employees with the necessary tools and support to practice innercising consistently. It's essential to create a structured approach that encourages regular mental workouts.

The How: Implementing Innercise Concepts

While the detailed how-to is covered extensively in my courses, here's a brief overview to get you started:

  1. Introduce the Concept: Begin by educating your team about the importance of mental fitness. Share the metaphor of the brain gym and explain how innercising can enhance their personal and professional lives.

  2. Create a Routine: Encourage employees to incorporate mental exercises into their daily routines. This could include mindfulness practices, visualization techniques, and cognitive training exercises.

  3. Provide Resources: Offer access to resources such as guided meditations, brain games, and workshops on emotional intelligence and stress management.

  4. Track Progress: Implement methods to measure the impact of innercising on employee well-being and performance. This could involve regular surveys, feedback sessions, and performance metrics.

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The What If: Expectations and Next Steps

Reminders and Actions

Remember: Mental fitness is as crucial as physical fitness. By prioritizing innercising, you are investing in your employees' overall well-being and productivity.

Actions to Take:

  • Practice a book review of "Innercise" with your team. Discuss key takeaways and how they can be applied to your corporate wellness program.

  • Incorporate the exercises from the book into your wellness initiatives. Start with simple practices like deep breathing exercises and gratitude journaling.

  • Schedule regular check-ins to monitor progress and address any challenges.

Overcoming Frustrations

Implementing new practices can be challenging, but persistence is key.

Encourage your team to view innercising as a journey rather than a destination.

Remind them that mental fitness, like physical fitness, requires consistent effort and dedication.

Benefits to Expect

By integrating "Innercise" into your corporate wellness program, you can expect:

  • Enhanced focus and productivity among employees

  • Improved stress management and emotional resilience

  • Greater creativity and problem-solving abilities

  • A more engaged and motivated workforce

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"Innercise" by John Assaraf offers invaluable insights into the power of mental fitness. By understanding the big idea, recognizing the importance, taking initial steps, and anticipating the benefits, you can transform your corporate wellness program and create a thriving, mentally fit workplace.

Remember, the journey to mental fitness is ongoing, and with consistent effort, you can unlock the full potential of your team.

So, what are you waiting for? Grab a copy of "Innercise," dive into its concepts, and start innercising your way to a more productive, resilient, and successful corporate environment. Your employees—and your bottom line—will thank you for it.

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Kathie Owen, Corporate Wellness Professional

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