How to Have -Transurfing Style
Article Summary
Today’s article is taken from a quote in the book Reality Transurfing. It has to do with our thought habits and aligning ourselves with the habit of negative thought machines.
Vadim tells us to not think about what we do not want but rather think about what we want to achieve. We discuss several solutions to help us do this sometimes difficult task of “not thinking about the negative.”
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To align your will with a negative thought machine means to play the game of a destructive pendulum and radiate energy at its frequency. This is a very detrimental habit.
It is entirely in your interest to replace it with the habit of consciously controlling your thoughts. Whenever your mind is unoccupied when you are traveling, going for a walk, or doing work that does not require deep concentration, make sure that you program yourself to think positive thoughts.
Do not think about what you have been unable to achieve. Think about what you want to achieve, and you will achieve it.
Vadim Zeland, Reality Transurfing I-V
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A Detrimental Habit
Our thought habits are the most powerful habits we have. But do we ever stop to consider what our thought habits are?
In today’s world, we are easily driven off our path by the lure of the internet, the distraction of something outside of our control, or a text or phone call.
So what is one to do? Vadim says “It is entirely in your interest to replace it with the habit of consciously controlling your thoughts.”
The first time I heard of a mental diet was in the fall of 2019. A mental diet is a habit of refusing to entertain any negative thoughts. As soon as you notice inner thoughts telling a negative story, you immediately replace them. Like a regular diet, mental diets require discipline and attention, and they’re best done in short stints, which can help to kickstart you into a new way of thinking.
I decided to do my 7-Day Mental Diet during Christmas. Christmastime is a time of triggers for me. This was perfect for me. And the mental diet was actually easier than I anticipated. While I did encounter negative thoughts about myself and others I found it very refreshing to remind myself that I do not have to think that thought. Instead, I chose another more empowering thought to replace it.
Simply put a mental diet is one where you do not dwell on the negative thought. We all have negative thoughts. We are human. Dwelling on these thoughts is what hurts us.
If by chance I had a thought that was particularly persistent I would jot it down. I’d tell myself I will work on this later. This helped me not to dwell!
Quote from The Charisma Myth
I especially love this quote from the book The Charisma Myth by Olivia Fox Cabane.
Don’t assume your thoughts are accurate. Just because your mind comes up with something doesn’t necessarily mean it has any validity. Assume you’re missing a lot of elements, many of which could be positive.
See your thoughts as graffiti on a wall or as little electrical impulses flickering around your brain.
Assign a label to your negative experience: self-criticism, anger, anxiety, etc. Just naming what you are thinking and feeling can help you neutralize it.
Depersonalize the experience. Rather than saying “I’m feeling ashamed,” try “There is shame being felt.”
Olivia Fox Cabane, The Charisma Myth
Stop the Mind Screw
Think of those negative thoughts as a mind screw. The stop the mind screw process looks like this:
Define exactly what you want. I have a template for that!
Go on a 7-day mental diet. Here is a resource guide on that!
Evaluate your self-talk.
What are your thought habits? Hot Habit Checklist is here bonus content includes the Definite Chief Aim Template and a Mental Diet Resource Guide. Get yours now!
Re-write and reframe those thoughts and stories.
Get in Flow or the Zone.
Your Best Interest
It is entirely in your interest to replace it with the habit of consciously controlling your thoughts.
Whenever your mind is unoccupied when you are traveling, going for a walk, or doing work that does not require deep concentration, make sure that you program yourself to think positive thoughts.
-Vadim Zeland
Often times I find that most people are unaware of their thought habits. “It’s going to be a long day.” “Why bother, no one will care.” “Prices are going up I’ll never be able to afford that.” “I might as well give up, I’ve tried over and over again to no avail.”
These thoughts are not true. But if you go around consciously or unconsciously repeating them to yourself you will bring them to yourself.
You will have a long day. No one will care. You won’t be able to afford that. You will give up.
Henry Ford was attributed to saying this powerful quote, “Whether you think you can or cannot you are correct.”
There is a better way. But like Vadim says it is entirely up to you.
Further Research - Negativity Bias
Read this bonus article from on the Negativity Bias and why we are so hard on ourselves.
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