The Real Reason Keto Diets Work

*Article Summary

Kathie writes about the Keto Diet and why and how it works. This advice comes from a Certified Fitness Trainer since 2002. While nutrition is not Kathie’s expertise she did learn about fitness and nutrition in her many years of study and certification.

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“Please send up an angel food cake and a bottle of red wine.” 

This was Arnold Schwarzenegger's room service request before the competition.

Why? Because in preparation for the competition he had depleted his body of carbohydrates. And this re-introduction of carbs would make his muscles look absolutely stunning and win the competition. It was a body-building science.

This was long before the invention of the Atkins Diet or Keto Diet. You see I learned about this method in my first class in becoming a Certified Fitness Trainer in 2001. My instructor had trained Arnold and told us this story.

Bodybuilders and those who are in those muscle-bound commercials practice carb depletion before the competition or commercial. This, in addition to training, supplement, and nutrition habits, create that beautiful body you see. Some are ethical and some are not so ethical. But that is for another discussion. 😉

But carb depletion is NOT easy. Your body uses carbs for energy. Zero carbs mean zero energy.

But this very method is the reason why the Keto Diet works.

Since you need carbs for energy and carb depletion works, what is a better way to do this?

Cut back on your carbs slowly. Also, make sure you consume carbs that are healthy. You can then train your body to use ketones for energy.

But I do know those who have succeeded in Keto and actually coach it.

My friend Joann Tarkington is one of those people. She lost 95 pounds and also reversed her diabetes, lupus, and more!

Here is a video interview I did with Joann on the Keto Diet. 

Read more fitness articles here!

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