Letting Go and Transurfing

Article Summary:

Today’s article is an excerpt from Podcast Episode #34 on Stop the Mind Screw Podcast. It’s also a Transurfing on Tuesday Episode. From the book Reality Transurfing.

We discuss letting go Transurfing Style. Scroll down to read the episode or even listen to the episode.

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It’s Tuesday! Time for Transurfing on Tuesday and Stop the Mind Screw and today we are talking about letting go!

How often do you hold on to resentment, anger, bitterness, jealousy? What would you do if you could just let it go?

Listen to the episode here!⏬⏬

In today’s episode we discuss:

  • The needy, the indignant and the fighter in Reality Transurfing and how to deal with these easily entered human emotions

  • Free the mind of two overwhelming burdens. 1. The need to solve porblems rationally and 2. the need to control.

  • Nature is in essence perfect.

  • The mind would make fewer mistakes if it did not try so hard to get involved.

  • When you let go of the situation and relax your controlling grip, you allow the world around you more freedom, and the flow can take its own course.

  • If you reduce the importance you attribute to an obstacle, it will fade of its own.

  • Guiding signs will appear to assist you. The problem with the mind is that it tends to interpret any event that bales to fit its script.

  • When something unexpected happens, it fights against it trying to make it fit the screen. Unfortunately, this only makes the situation worse.

  • The mind has a compulsive desire to control everything.

  • This is one of the main causes of the majority of problems and disappointments that people face the purposeful stream that takes the path of least resistance is incapable of generating problems and obstacles.

  • These are created by the madness of the mind, activate your inner witness, and observe at least for one day, how the mind tries to control the flow. Try releasing your grip and giving the flow more.

  • Consider making a tactical adjustment, moving the center of gravity away from control towards observation. <<<<deal with pendulums

  • Remember the pendulum only wants your energy in the form of control of your attention and control over the intensity of projected inner and outer importance.

  • If you practice letting go consciously, the feeling of relief will be greater than when you succeed in proving your point.

  • “Not my monkeys not my circus.”

Links mentioned:

That’s my episode for today, I hope you liked it. Be sure to share it with someone who could benefit. And until next time, I’ll see you next time. Peace out and Namaste!

Read more Transurfing posts here!

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