How I Used Reality Transurfing in a Hurricane Aftermath
Navigating the Storm: Embracing Reality Transurfing During Turbulent Times 🌪️🌈
Life has a way of throwing curveballs when we least expect it. Hurricane Beryl raced through our area in the early morning of July 8, 2024, leaving behind a trail of fallen trees, power outages, and a community gripped by fear.
Have you ever experienced the eye of a hurricane? It is an awesome experience. The hurricane hit our house at exactly 3AM. We lost power shortly after the hit and the power was out for 3 days. The winds were fierce and scary. I could feel my house shake. I was watching the radar and the eye of the hurricane was headed directly over us.
The eye of the hurricane is actually beautiful. While the wind was still strong there was very little rain. Nature started moving around again. It was calm and beautiful.
Back to the drama of the storm, I observed a powerful phenomenon: the spread of fear-based thoughts. These thoughts acted like wildfire, igniting anxiety and panic. This experience reminded me of the Reality Transurfing concept of pendulums and the power (pun intended) they hold over our reality.
In this blog post, I want to share my personal story of the hurricane, the rampant negativity bias, and how the philosophy of Reality Transurfing can help us navigate such turbulent times with grace and positivity. So, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and let's dive into the world of Reality Transurfing pendulums and their impact on our lives. ☕🌟
The Power of Thought Structures: Understanding Pendulums 🌀
Reality Transurfing, a concept introduced by Vadim Zeland, is a powerful philosophy that teaches us to navigate the alternative space of reality with awareness and intention. One of the key concepts in Reality Transurfing is the idea of pendulums. Pendulums are thought structures created by the collective energy of people's thoughts and emotions. These structures have the power to influence our reality, often steering us toward negative outcomes if we are not mindful.
As Vadim Zeland states in the book, “Dissatisfaction and lack of fulfillment are a pendulum’s favorite dish.”
Pendulums thrive on attention and energy. When we focus on fear, anxiety, or any other negative emotion, we feed these pendulums, making them stronger. This, in turn, influences our reality, creating a feedback loop of negativity. However, the beauty of Reality Transurfing lies in its simplicity: by becoming aware of these pendulums and choosing not to feed them, we can reclaim our power and create a more positive reality.
The book Reality Transurfing
A more simple book on Transurfing
My Hurricane Experience: A Lesson in Negativity Bias 🌪️🌳
After the hurricane hit, the air was thick with tension. News reports were filled with millions of people without power and the job of fixing the power was going to be a big one.
The thought of losing electricity, combined with concerns about our power company's response, created a palpable sense of dread. No electiricity in 90+ degree weather is not fun!
When the storm hit, trees fell, power lines were downed, and the destruction was indeed "scary." But what struck me most was how quickly negative thoughts spread, exacerbating the situation.
In the aftermath, the community was filled with complaints and fear-based discussions. People were quick to criticize the power company, expressing doubt about their ability to restore electricity promptly. This negativity bias, where we tend to focus on and amplify negative information, was in full swing. The pendulum of fear was gaining momentum, fueled by our collective focus on the worst-case scenarios.
Finding Advantage: Shifting Perspective with Reality Transurfing 🌈🔄
Reality Transurfing teaches us to find advantage in every situation, no matter how dire it may seem. By shifting our focus from the negative to the positive, we can change the trajectory of our reality. During the hurricane, I made a conscious effort to detach from the pendulum of fear. Instead of focusing on the destruction, I chose to see the situation as an opportunity for growth and community solidarity.
Here are some strategies I employed to stay grounded and positive:
Gratitude Practice 🙏: Amidst the chaos, I reminded myself of the things I was grateful for. My family's safety, the resilience of our community, and even the small moments of kindness we shared during the crisis. This shift in focus helped me stay calm, centered, and resilient.
Mindful Media Consumption 📺: I limited my exposure to fear-mongering news and social media. Instead, I sought out positive stories and information that uplifted my spirits. By controlling the input, I was able to maintain a more balanced perspective.
Community Support 🤝: Engaging with neighbors and offering help where needed created a sense of connection and solidarity. We shared resources, checked on each other, and worked together to clean up the debris. This collective effort was a powerful antidote to the negativity pendulum.
Visualization 🌟: I used visualization techniques to imagine a positive outcome. Visualizing the power being restored, the community coming together, and life returning to normal helped me stay optimistic and proactive.
The Power of Reality Transurfing: Reclaiming Our Reality 🌍✨
The philosophy of Reality Transurfing offers a profound shift in how we perceive and interact with the world. By understanding and disengaging from pendulums, we can reclaim our power and create a reality that aligns with our true desires. Here are some key takeaways to help you harness the power of Reality Transurfing in your own life:
Awareness is Key 🧠: The first step in disengaging from pendulums is to become aware of them. Pay attention to the thoughts and emotions that dominate your mind. Are they rooted in fear or negativity? Recognizing these patterns is the first step toward change.
Shift Your Focus 🔍: Instead of feeding negative pendulums, consciously shift your focus to positive and empowering thoughts. This doesn't mean ignoring reality but rather choosing to see the potential for growth and opportunity in every situation.
Find Advantage 🌟: Practice finding advantage in every challenge. Ask yourself, "What can I learn from this?" or "How can this situation benefit me?" This mindset shift can transform obstacles into stepping stones for growth.
Mind Your Energy ⚡: Be mindful of where you invest your energy. Surround yourself with positive influences, engage in activities that uplift you, and avoid getting sucked into fear-based narratives. Your energy is precious; use it wisely.
Visualize Your Desired Reality 🌈: Use the power of visualization to create a clear picture of your desired reality. By focusing on positive outcomes and imagining them vividly, you can attract those experiences into your life.
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Conclusion: Embracing Reality Transurfing for a Brighter Future 🌅✨
The hurricane taught me a valuable lesson about the power of thought structures and the impact of pendulums on our reality.
By choosing to disengage from fear-based thoughts and finding advantage in every situation, we can navigate even the most challenging times with resilience and grace. Reality Transurfing offers us the tools to reclaim our power and create a reality that aligns with our highest aspirations.
As we move forward, let's remember that we have the power to shape our reality. By staying mindful, focusing on the positive, and embracing the principles of Reality Transurfing, we can transform our lives and create a brighter, more fulfilling future. 🌟🌍💖
Thank you for joining me on this journey. Stay positive, stay mindful, and keep transurfing! 🚀✨
Read More Reality Transurfing Articles
Let's talk about pendulums in Reality Transurfing and let's talk about reducing importance because I feel like now is the time we need to discuss this across the board. Why? Because Pendulums are just thought structures that everybody thinks. Call it groupthink. And what happens is they spread like wildfire because of our negativity bias. I talk about this all the time on my channel, but the negativity bias is so much easier to It's easier to fall prey to than positivity and it just spreads and spreads and spreads. As Vadim Zeland says in the book Reality Transurfing, dissatisfaction and lack of fulfillment are pendulums favorite dish. And today I'm going to give you some metaphors or some ways ways we can look at pendulums in a different way and real life experience. You're listening to Kathie's Coaching Podcast. I'm your host, Kathie Owen. On this channel, we talk about corporate wellness, fitness, Reality Transurfing, and more. And today we are back to talking about Transurfing. At the beginning of July 2024. We had a hurricane hit my area. Hurricane Beryl. And Beryl was much like another hurricane that I lived through, oh, many, many years ago. But, what happened with this hurricane was the eye of the storm went directly over my house. Just like Hurricane Alicia many, many years ago. And If you have never experienced the eye of a hurricane, I have to tell you, it is something to be seen. So, the eye of the hurricane went over our house about 8am, and the storm hit about 3am. And this storm had winds that were so scary. I was trembling. I was so scared. We lost power as soon as the storm hit. That was one thing. I expected that. But the winds, oh my goodness, you could feel them shaking the entire house. In fact, picture frames were crooked in my house and I live in a house on a foundation and this just was like, blew my mind that the winds were that strong. So the eye of the hurricane hit about 8 a. m. That was when the winds slowed down a tad, not very much, but also the rain stopped and it was just kind of weird and eerily calm. It was calm, especially after going through this storm because about 30 minutes before the eye came over the house, that was the worst part of the storm. If you've ever seen a hurricane and seen it on the radar you can see the very middle of the storm where there's just nothing there that's what I experienced I went outside at this time and when I did nature was running around but the wind was blowing hard and still blowing the trees and stuff now I've lived through many hurricanes in my lifetime because I live on the Gulf Coast and when I have lived through hurricanes And it was coming, I could feel that everything was about to change. Everything was going to be different as soon as the storm passed through. And that's exactly what happened. But that's a fact of a hurricane. That's a fact of living on the Gulf Coast. Do not be shocked when it comes through. And it just blew my mind that the pendulums went like crazy and people were shocked that trees were knocked down. Or limbs were everywhere. Or, we lost power. Some people lost power for seven days. I've lived through a hurricane where some people lost power for three weeks, three weeks, and people were upset that they lost it for seven days. You know, in reality, Transurfing, Vadim Zeland teaches us that we are just guests on this planet and we can't just have Expectations that all of these wonderful things are given to us. We interrupt this episode to let you know I have a free download and bonus downloads on Reality Transurfing. And, uh, at www. Kathieowen. com backslash reality dash transurfing. I sure hope to see you there. And let's get back into the episode. We need to come from a place of gratitude, but as soon as the storm passed through, we lost cell service, we lost electricity. It's just something to be grateful for. This is going to happen when you live in this vicinity and it just blows my mind that people expected something different. It's just what happens. And the complaining was crazy. For example, they were complaining about our electricity company, Centerpoint Energy. They were complaining about them not getting the power up. Well, There were two million people without power and things were blown down. Okay, sit back, relax, wait a minute. Well, then there was a picture of the CEO, or whatever he was, of CenterPoint sitting there telling everybody to keep their thermostats on 77 degrees when he had a thermostat behind him. And the thermostat said 70 degrees. Everybody took it literally and really believed that this was the case. Whereas, I could tell this picture was photoshopped. It just seemed so ignorant to me for people to actually believe that this was going on, or that he was doing this on purpose, or that I even read somewhere that somebody said that the power went out before the storm hit. It's neither here nor there. Let's talk about the pendulum and reducing importance when it comes to situations like this. So the pendulum is just a thought structure that everybody thinks and it only wants your energy. As I stated at the beginning of this, dissatisfaction and lack of fulfillment are a pendulum's favorite dish. Oh, that pendulum was at work. It was work everywhere. It's just funny. And then reducing importance is also a big concept in Reality Transurfing. Reduce importance. We are not entitled to anything in this world except for your breath. That's it. That is all you are entitled to. Everything else should come from a place of gratitude, but should is a dirty word. I know. So let's, let's talk about how to deal with pendulums in a realistic way. Number one, with a gratitude practice, focus on what you are grateful for, no matter what. Because, if you're breathing, there is always something to be grateful for. Yes, I know, it hurts. Things bad can happen. But, when you find gratitude for the fact The safety of your family, your community's resistance, and the small acts of kindness that happen during a storm. is beneficial. So the news happens to stay on 24 hours a day when something like this happens. And the news doesn't focus on the people that are safe. They don't focus on the resilience that's happening around us. They don't focus on the small acts of kindness because of that negativity bias. Everybody wants to see the bad things. The trees that fell on somebody's house. The tree that fell on a lady's house. That killed her and it's just. Horrifying that that's what they want to focus on. But guess what? That is just the pendulum at work. So another tip on dealing with pendulums is have mindful media consumption. Limit your exposure to fear mongering. Or call it what it is. That is fear porn. Fear porn is the media when it's negativity. And even in social media it happens. And seek out positive stories instead. So I look at my logarithm. on my social media and I notice what's happening inside there and the the logarithm is really there to benefit you whether you realize it or not or you could look at it that way maybe that's just my perspective but But if you're focusing on the negative and you're commenting on the negatives and you're commenting on things or whatever happens, it's going to give you more of that. Be mindful of your media consumption. And then number three, community support. Engage with other people and find the positives and create a sense of connection and solidarity. Because this is going to help you realize, oh, okay. This is a positive that happened and not focus on the negative. For example, our next door neighbors had a generator that was run on their house, So their whole house just immediately went to the generator. And they hooked up electrical cords that we put our refrigerators on or we had fans that were on in our, And that was community support. I'm so grateful for our neighbors. I remember my neighbor texting me right at the end of the storm, right before the eye came over and she was saying, we're almost through this. I can see the eye coming right now. And as soon as the eye came over, the storm was pretty much over. There was no more of it behind this storm. And then. Number four, another way to deal with pendulum is a visualization. So visualize positive outcomes. The power being restored. The community coming together. And life returning to normal. You know what's, what's odd is this, A storm comes through and within a week, everything is back to normal. There are still like hiccups. It's almost like an earthquake is after shocks that come through. Um, I hear different stories even three weeks later about people. Things that happened during the storm that are affecting them today, but these are just aftershocks or ways that the pendulum is still trying to hook you. So reality transurfing teaches us to find advantage in every situation. And by shifting our focus from the negative to the positive, we can change the trajectory of our reality. And Finding advantage is not always easy because of our negativity bias. We are biased towards negativity. That's our brain just trying to take care of us. But here are some ways to shift your focus from the negative to the positive. Awareness is key. Recognize the pendulums influencing your thoughts and emotions. by being aware and using a sense of humor too. Humor is a great way to stop the pendulum sway. You just sit back and go, Oh my goodness. Like for example, that center point picture, that was funny to me because I'm thinking, I was just thinking to myself, I didn't say it to the people that were talking about it, but I'm thinking you do know that that's very easily Easily photoshopped, but it was funny to me, so the pendulum didn't hook me. Number two, shift your focus. Consciously choose positive and empowering thoughts. So whenever the news would be really, really negative or really, really scary, I would go, I would choose the positive. I couldn't remember the other hurricane that hit. It was so similar. I remember I was attending the University of Houston and the trees were, some of them were automatically crooked for years to come and that was just part of the storm. So, it's just part of life and part of of what happens in life. And then number three, find advantage. Look for the lessons and opportunities in every challenge. And I've learned this throughout my life, but finding advantage in things shifts your perspective and you don't look at things as happening to you, they're happening for you. And number four, mind your energy. Surround yourself with positive influences and avoid fear based narratives. So, Pay attention to your energy. I always say I don't want that in my chi. Don't mess with my chi and I protect my energy because I know that what's going on out there is not my reality so I just turn it back to the positives. Number 5. Visualize your desired reality. Imagine your desired reality. positive outcomes very vividly. See, the pendulum doesn't want you to imagine the positive outcomes. It wants you to stay hooked in and take your energy. So, if you visualize your desired reality and you imagine it as big as you can, you're going to get a lot of positive outcomes. It changes everything. Another thing you can do, this, this is a little bit different, is you can visualize the negative, the worst that could happen and just be okay with it. If you could just visualize it and become okay with it, it shifts things. Drastically shifts things. So this hurricane taught me valuable lessons about the power of our thoughts and the impact of the pendulums of our reality. And with the upcoming election, you're gonna see the same types of things. And by choosing to disengage from fear-based thoughts and finding advantage in every situation, we can navigate life storms or life's elections. With resilience and grace. And I don't know about you, but that sounds absolutely fabulous. All right, thank you for joining me today. Remember, you have the power to shape your reality. Stay positive, stay away from that negativity bias, stay mindful, and keep transurfing. I trust that you found today's video helpful. If you know someone who could benefit from this, please share it with them. And until next time, I will see you next time. Peace out and Namaste.
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