Reality Transurfing on Guilt

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 Here's what we discuss in today's episode: 

  • Guilt is pure excess potential.

  • In nature, there is no such thing as good or bad. Like the quote says, "There is no such thing as good or bad but thinking makes it so." Shakespeare

  • The payment for feelings of guilt will always be punishment in one form or another.

  • Truth in the saying "Impudence is second happiness." Cocky boldness.

  • Feelings of guilt will always produce a script that includes punishment where you are conscious of what is happening or not.

  • The 10 commandments - recommendations for how to remain in balance. They are simply a warning.

  • As soon as a person indicates that they are willing to absorb guilt, a manipulator will stick to that person like glue and feed on their energy. This dynamic can be avoided by simply refusing to take on feelings of guilt.

  • If you have a tendency to justify yourself, start letting go of it, once manipulative individuals realize they no longer have a way of hooking into your energy they will leave you alone.

  • Only you can give others the privilege of being your judge.

  • If you are free of the feeling of guilt it will never occur to anyone to assert themselves over you.

  • Feeling guilty is a foreign concept to cynics and other types who have no conscience. Their way of progressing in life is to wade through the slaughter and walk over other people. It is not surprising that it is often unscrupulous that come to power.

  • Indulging in feelings of guilt can only undermine your position.

  • Asking for forgiveness, admitting your mistakes, praying for forgiveness, and confessing are all ways of eliminating the excess potential of guilt.

  • Manipulators will remind you of your mistake on more than one occasion trying to reawaken your feelings of guilt. Do not react to the provocation.

  • Everyone has the right to ask for forgiveness once and once only.

  • No one has the right to judge you and you have the right to be yourself. If you allow yourself to be you, the need for self-justification will fall away and the fear of being punished will fade. Then something remarkable will happen - no one will dare insult you.

  • Rene Garcia the now blacklisted "only person endorsed by Vadim" and her bullying tactics - saying Aaron Doughty and Brian Scott of Reality Revolution paid for followers. Methinks thou doth protest too much.

  • My ex-husband played on my guilt for years. And today my son tries to play on it as well- behavior that was learned and instilled in him by his father.

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