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Incentivizing Wellness: Creative Rewards That Drive Participation


In the realm of corporate wellness, the challenge often lies not in designing programs, but in getting employees to participate.

You’ve planned the perfect lineup of wellness activities, yet the sign-up sheets remain sparse. The solution? Incentives.

But not just any incentives — creative and meaningful rewards that resonate with your team and motivate them to take part in wellness initiatives. In this post, we'll explore innovative ways to incentivize wellness, balancing tangible rewards with the power of intrinsic motivation, all while leveraging psychology to boost participation.

The Psychology of Motivation: Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Rewards

Before diving into specific incentive ideas, it’s important to understand the psychology behind what drives people to take action. Motivation generally falls into two categories: intrinsic and extrinsic.

Intrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic motivation comes from within. It’s the internal desire to do something because it’s personally rewarding.

For instance, an employee might participate in a wellness program because they value their health or enjoy the activity itself. Intrinsic motivation is powerful because it leads to sustained engagement over time. When employees genuinely enjoy or value an activity, they’re more likely to continue participating even without external rewards.

Extrinsic Motivation

Extrinsic motivation, on the other hand, is driven by external factors. These are the tangible rewards — like cash bonuses, prizes, or recognition — that are given in exchange for participating in a wellness program.

While extrinsic rewards can be highly effective in the short term, they don’t always lead to long-term commitment unless they’re thoughtfully designed.

Finding the Balance

The key to a successful wellness incentive strategy is finding the right balance between intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. The goal is to use extrinsic rewards to initially attract participation while simultaneously fostering intrinsic motivation that sustains engagement over time.

Creative Tangible Rewards That Work

Let’s start with the fun part: tangible rewards. These are the incentives that can get employees excited about signing up for your wellness programs. But to be truly effective, these rewards should be creative, meaningful, and aligned with the values of your team.

Wellness Days Off

Who doesn’t love a day off? Offering a "wellness day" as a reward for participating in a wellness program can be a huge motivator. This is a day off that employees can use specifically for activities that contribute to their well-being, whether it’s a spa day, a mental health break, or simply a day to relax and recharge.

Pro Tip: Make sure to clearly define how and when these days can be used, and encourage employees to share how they spent their wellness day to inspire others.

Personalized Wellness Kits

A one-size-fits-all approach rarely works in wellness, so why should your rewards be any different? Consider offering personalized wellness kits that employees can choose based on their interests. For example, a fitness enthusiast might appreciate a kit with resistance bands, a yoga mat, and a water bottle, while someone focused on mental well-being might prefer a kit with aromatherapy candles, a journal, and mindfulness resources.

Pro Tip: Partner with local businesses to curate these kits, adding a community-support element to your rewards.

Experience-Based Rewards

Sometimes, the best rewards aren’t things at all — they’re experiences. Offer rewards like a cooking class, a guided meditation session, or a weekend retreat focused on wellness. Experience-based rewards can create lasting memories and reinforce the connection between wellness activities and personal fulfillment.

Pro Tip: Make these experiences something employees can enjoy with family or friends to increase the value and impact of the reward.

Wellness Stipends

Give employees the freedom to choose their own wellness rewards by offering a wellness stipend. This could be a set amount of money that employees can spend on wellness-related activities or products of their choice, such as gym memberships, healthy meal subscriptions, or even a massage.

I was recently hired by someone who used their “wellness” stipen for me. This stipen could be used for everything from a life coach, to a wellness event, to a personal trainer! Check out my fitness offers here!

Pro Tip: Set guidelines on what the stipend can be used for to ensure it aligns with your wellness program’s goals.

Charitable Donations

For employees motivated by giving back, consider offering charitable donations as a reward option. Allow employees to choose a charity they care about, and make a donation in their name when they reach wellness milestones. This not only motivates participation but also enhances the company’s social responsibility efforts.

One of the companies I work for had me arrange a Charity Awareness Day that I organized much like a health fair. The charities that are affiliated with the company came in and spoke of ways to work with their organization and ways the team members can utilitze their services. Talk about a win-win. Download our health fair checklist here!

Pro Tip: Highlight the impact of these donations in company communications to show the collective contribution of the wellness program.

Fostering Intrinsic Motivation Through Meaningful Engagement

While tangible rewards can kickstart participation, intrinsic motivation is what keeps employees engaged in the long run. Here’s how you can foster a sense of intrinsic motivation within your wellness programs:

Create a Sense of Community

People are naturally motivated by a sense of belonging and connection. Create opportunities for employees to engage with one another through your wellness programs. This could be in the form of team-based challenges, wellness committees, or even a company-wide wellness newsletter that shares success stories, tips, and encouragement.

Pro Tip: Use social platforms like Slack or Microsoft Teams to create wellness channels where employees can share their progress, motivate each other, and celebrate successes.

Align Wellness with Personal Goals

Help employees see how participating in wellness programs aligns with their personal goals. This could be through one-on-one wellness coaching sessions, personalized goal-setting tools, or workshops that help employees identify their own intrinsic motivators. When employees can connect their participation with their own values and aspirations, they’re more likely to stay engaged.

Pro Tip: Offer a wellness assessment at the start of the program to help employees set personalized goals and track their progress.

Celebrate Small Wins

Acknowledging progress, no matter how small, can boost intrinsic motivation. Celebrate the milestones employees reach, whether it’s completing a fitness challenge, improving their mental well-being, or simply sticking with the program for a set period. Recognition can come in many forms, from shout-outs in team meetings to personalized notes of encouragement.

Pro Tip: Create a “Wall of Wellness” in a common area or on your company intranet where employees can post their achievements and inspire others.

Provide Continuous Education

Education is a powerful tool for fostering intrinsic motivation. Offer regular workshops, webinars, or lunch-and-learn sessions on wellness topics that interest your employees. The more knowledge they have, the more empowered they’ll feel to take charge of their health and well-being.

Pro Tip: Use these educational opportunities to tie in the benefits of participating in wellness programs, reinforcing the intrinsic value of staying engaged.

Empower Employee-Led Initiatives

When employees take ownership of wellness initiatives, they’re more likely to stay intrinsically motivated. Encourage employees to lead their own wellness challenges, start wellness interest groups, or propose new ideas for the wellness program. This sense of ownership can transform participants into passionate wellness advocates.

Pro Tip: Recognize and reward those who take on leadership roles in wellness initiatives, further reinforcing their commitment.


Incentivizing wellness is about more than just handing out rewards; it’s about creating an environment where employees feel motivated both extrinsically and intrinsically to take part in wellness activities. By offering creative and meaningful rewards that resonate with your team, and by fostering intrinsic motivation through engagement and personal connection, you can drive participation in your wellness programs and cultivate a healthier, happier workforce.

Remember, the best incentives are those that align with the interests and values of your employees, creating a win-win situation for both the individual and the organization. So get creative, think beyond the traditional, and watch your wellness programs thrive!

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Kathie Owen, Corporate Wellness Professional

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