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TW Davis YMCA is Closed Permanently

Article Summary:

Looking for what happened to the TW Davis YMCA? Look no further than this article. Written by Kathie Owen who was a Water Aerobics, Silver Sneakers©, and Certified Fitness Trainer at this YMCA since 2000.

The YMCA of Houston actually fired 99.9% of their staff via email. (Entire email shown in article). And they stated in 2021 that they were trying to raise funds for improvements. To this day, the property sits there vacant.

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Here is what happened with the TW Davis YMCA

The YMCA of Richmond and Rosenberg, Texas is not so "C" anymore IMO, and here's why. I had worked there for 20+ years. You could say my fitness dream was inspired and fueled at this YMCA.

The Older Adult population was very active at this Y. We had Water Aerobics, Silver Sneakers©, and Yoga, and I even trained several clients there over the years.

But now these clients have nowhere to go. Or at least they do not have the wonderful Y that they were used to.

NOTE: LA Fitness Sugar Land has Water Aerobics and Silver Sneakers©. The TW Davis YMCA is closed, permanently! And the place stays vacant until this day!

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How the YMCA of Houston told us about TW Davis closing.

Over the weekend I posted in my stories about the YMCA closing permanently after closing for over a year because of the pandemic.

They fired everyone, myself included, via email. Listed below.  Rude and shocking!! 😮

The email came just days after the CEO and owner of OCuSOFT told me they were going to re-open the gym. I am the Fitness and Wellness Director at OCuSOFT since 2013. So naturally, I thought the YMCA was following suit.

In December 2020 I had been with this YMCA for 20 years. I basically "grew up" there in my fitness career.

But they fired us all. Here's the email: This email came out in March 2021.

TW Davis YMCA Family,

The COVID-19 pandemic has been difficult for us all. The YMCA of Greater Houston was not immune to the devastation and was greatly impacted. With a $50 million revenue loss, it forced us to strategically evaluate the best way in which to adapt in order to resume our membership and wellness operations in a new and very different environment.

Last year we completed an Appreciative Community Building Process to learn how we might deepen our impact and do more for the Richmond/Rosenberg community. During the process, it was understood that the need in this area was great and critical issues must continue to be addressed by the YMCA. However, this process also identified that our current facility was in need of redevelopment in order to best meet the needs of our community. As a result, we are in the planning stages of a capital campaign and exploring options for a newly designed and developed TW Davis Family YMCA, a facility that will provide opportunities to collaborate with key community partners while providing necessary programs and services to our community.

The pandemic also forced us to implement measures within our workforce to ensure the viability of our organization. Unfortunately, the unexpectedly severe and ongoing nature of the crisis now necessitates that we make some difficult personnel decisions.
This letter is the official notification that your current employment with the YMCA of Greater Houston will be terminated effective April 16, 2021.

You are eligible for rehire with the YMCA of Greater Houston and we encourage you to view available positions on our website to identify any that meet your skills, abilities, and experience. Visit
www.ymcahouston.org/careers for more details.

We know that this is a difficult and uncertain time for many. We are committed to assist and support you in any way we can. If you have any questions, please contact the Human Resources Department at human.resources@ymcahouston.org.

Community? I think not!

WTH is an "Appreciative Community Building Process"???? I'd like to know as that was the reason we were fired via email???

And we are “eligible for rehire”?! Seriously?? What about the 20+ years of service, some of my fellow co-workers had been there much longer!!

Yeah, not so kind. *Update: And to this date: in January 2023, 3 years later, nothing has happened at that YMCA. I suspect something suspicious going on!! You may too!

Silver Sneakers© in Richmond and Rosenberg

I had 30+ people in my Silver Sneakers© class on Fridays. And Water Aerobics was just as packed. The older adults loved this YMCA and were very active!! And generous with their money. 

Did I mention the entire property is paid for as it was donated by TW Davis Family?? And they have been closed and not paying their staff as we were all put on furlough since April 2020.

Huge Let-Down YMCA

I am beyond disappointed in the YMCA of Houston. Did they just go with what the culture wanted? I think so. 

Kathie Owen, TW Davis YMCA of Houston

In closing I want to say, I never worked at the Y for money. It was always part-time. Heck, I'd have worked there for free on most days!

I did it for my love of the way fitness changes life, especially the older adults. For they truly appreciated my work. They loved when I was their instructor and they told me that. I miss them! And they needed the Y!

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