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Reality Transurfing®️ Discover the Hidden Power of the Alternatives Flow

Article Summary

Learn how to stop fighting the flow of life and start understanding the alternatives flow with Reality Transurfing©.

By adopting a condition of balance, conserving energy, and activating your Inner Guardian, you can go with the flow of life and notice a multitude of signs to help you. The alternatives flow contains the solutions to all of your problems, so don't miss out on opportunities by expending a lot of energy trying to resist the current.

Choose simplicity and make efficient decisions.

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Going with the Flow Reality Transurfing© Style: Understanding the Alternatives Flow

Life is full of surprises, and sometimes things don't go as we plan. In such situations, we tend to react in different ways, and our reactions often define the outcome of the situation. According to Reality Transurfing, there are three main ways people tend to react: needy, indignant, or fighter. No one person is a pure example of these, as we all adopt one or more of these roles.

It is not advisable to fight the flow nor go with the flow. When we actively resist the flow, we expend a huge amount of energy, which could be better used elsewhere. Similarly, going with the flow can often mean losing control over the situation, which can have negative consequences.

Quote of the week:

“Everything can be done a lot more simply than you think. Yield to the simplicity. It is the mind not the alternatives flow that carries you to the edge of the waterfall.” Vadim Zeland Reality Transurfing

Solutions to all our problems

According to Reality Transurfing, the flow of life is determined by chains of cause-and-effect that give birth to alternatives. The alternatives flow contains the solutions to all of our problems. It is a truly sumptuous gift for the mind, and the keys to any problem are encoded within it.

However, our rationality and common sense remain unaware of the fact that they are influenced by thought patterns created by the pendulums. Pendulums are energy vampires that manipulate our minds to act in their interests. They create artificial problems that distract us from the real issues at hand. The mind is constantly losing a sense of flow because it is influenced by pendulums and acts in their interests.

The fighter tends to swim against the current, not realizing that it would be more advantageous to go with the flow. The fighter’s mind is gripped by pendulums, which makes it difficult for them to see the bigger picture. They expend a lot of energy trying to resist the flow, and as a result, they often miss out on opportunities.

Nature never wastes energy

Nature never wastes energy, and we shouldn't either. We all have a rough sense of the general flow of events in our lives. It helps to get into the habit of choosing the simplest possible solution to any given problem. This will allow us to conserve energy and make more efficient decisions.

The mind is constantly under pressure from projected levels of importance, which hinders us from making truly efficient decisions. We need to adopt a condition of balance and have enough mindfulness not to project inflated importance. When we yield to simplicity, we can go with the flow, and we will notice a multitude of signs to help us.


To deal with pendulums, we need to activate our Inner Guardian. We need to observe and take action, but then let the game develop as far as possible of its own accord under our observation. We shouldn't get in the way of the flow of life, and we will feel much better for it.


In conclusion, going with the flow Reality Transurfing style requires an understanding of the alternatives flow.

We need to be mindful of our reactions and adopt a condition of balance. We need to activate our Inner Guardian to deal with pendulums and not get in the way of the flow of life. When we do this, we will conserve our energy, make more efficient decisions, and notice a multitude of signs to help us.

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