Leap into Kindness: Building Healthy, Happy Teams One Act at a Time

On February 29, Leap Year Day

I emailed the team the following fun email. BTW, this is 100% me, no ChatGPT 🤣

Happy Leap Year Day!

  • Why did the calendar refuse to go to the O-Zone on February 29th? It said, “I don’t need an extra workout day, I’m already a leap year.”

  • Why did the calendar go on a diet on February 29th? Because it wanted to lose some weight in leap year.

  • What did February 29th say to the other days of the year? “Let’s make this leap year the kindest one yet.”

One of my favorite things to do is share funny TikToks with friends and family. Yesterday I shared one with my brother. It is called Deer Blind Dad Jokes, and it pictures 3 guys sharing jokes in a deer stand. They are supposed to be quiet in the deer stand, you know like church. This is why the jokes are so funny.

No, those jokes above are not from the Deer Blind guys. But those jokes were sent to make you laugh. Did you know when you laugh you release good brain chemicals? And those good brain chemicals last longer than a quick hit of dopamine (another good brain chemical but it is so short lived.)

Want to know another way to release long lasting brain chemicals? Kindness. This is why I created this month’s calendar called Kindness in the Workplace.

The first 7 days start with kindness with yourself. Why? Too often we neglect our own needs in the hustle and bustle of daily life. The ripple effect of kindness starts with YOU.

Week 2 is Random Acts of Kindness. To me the best random acts of kindness are done anonymously. Buy someone lunch in the OCuDiner, pay for someone’s massage, or leave a kind sticky note on a co-workers desk without expectation of being recognized or appreciated. I can tell you this feels great!

Week 3 is Kindness in the community. Spread kindness and cheer outside our walls. Plant a tree, pay it forward, or share a smile. Bonus points when you do this without expectation of return.

Week 4 is Nature and Nurture week. Take inspiration from the beauty and resilience of nature.

Week 5 is Mindfulness week. When you are mindful of your kindness to self and others you realize that kindness has a ripple effect.

I am on a mission. Join me on this mission to create more kindness in the workplace this month.

The song “Just another day in paradise” by Phil Collins came on my playlist this morning while in the gym. And I thought about the relation to kindness in the workplace. We do not know our impact of small acts of kindness, whether it be to a homeless person, a fellow co-worker, a leader inside your company, or a family member. Too often we forget that one small act of kindness could go a long way. And we may never know the impact we make. And that’s okay.

I invite you to start performing random acts of kindness. This is like a muscle you build. One day you will look up and see the definition and tone. And you never know if it was that one day of working out, or an accumulation of days. I’d say it is all of them. Start today!

Have a healthy day! Kathie 😊

Leap Year Day

February 29th is an extra day of opportunity and positivity. Today, I wanted to share a message that's close to my heart and has the potential to make a real difference in our workplace and beyond.

In my recent email to the team (written above), I aimed to infuse a bit of humor and inspiration into your day, starting with some light-hearted jokes related to Leap Year.

Laughter truly is a wonderful thing, isn't it?

It releases those feel-good brain chemicals and brings us closer together, even if it's just through a shared joke or two.

But let's dive deeper into the heart of the matter—kindness. Did you know that kindness has the power to release enduring brain chemicals? It's incredible, isn't it? That's why I'm so passionate about fostering a culture of kindness in our workplace.

Kindness in the Workplace

Through my "Kindness in the Workplace" initiative, I've outlined a month-long plan designed to cultivate compassion, positivity, and well-being within our team. From prioritizing self-care to spreading joy through random acts of kindness, each week is dedicated to a different aspect of kindness.

I truly believe that small acts of kindness can have a profound impact, not just on the recipient, but on the giver as well. That's why I'm inviting each and every one of you to join me on this mission to create a healthier, happier workplace—one act of kindness at a time.

Let's remember the words of Phil Collins' song "Just Another Day in Paradise." Our small acts of kindness may seem insignificant, but they have the power to create a ripple effect of positivity that extends far beyond our workplace walls.

So, let's leap into kindness with open hearts and open minds. Together, we can build a workplace culture that's characterized by compassion, positivity, and well-being.

Wishing you all a wonderful day ahead!


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Kathie Owen

Kathie is a Certified Fitness Trainer and Life Coach since 2002. Kathie coaches healthy habits, having a growth mindset, fitness, and Reality Transurfing®


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